Teaching at the Department for Software Engineering (DIPT) at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH)
Welcome to a collection of teaching and teaching-related resources created and compiled by members of the Department of Software Engineering and Blekinge Institute of Technology (Karlskrona, Sweden). See the official website for more information on DIPT and BTH.
- PA1489: Basic Software Engineering
- PA1458/PA1460/PA1472 Object Oriented Design
- PA1482: Applied Object Oriented Design
- PA2577 Applied Cloud Computing and Big Data
- PA2588 DevSecOps
- PA2534 Master Thesis in Software Engineering
- Requirements Engineering: a brief introduction
- Java for the Reluctant together with a Series of Videos on Youtube
- Assignments (for students)
- Course material (for course managers)
- Degree Projects Guidelines (for students, supervisors, and examiners)
- Template: Topic Suggestion (for supervisors)
- Template: Project Plan (for students)
- Template: Thesis (for students)
- Template: Opposition Report (for students)
- Template: Rejoinder (for students)
- Git 101 -- Introduction to Git
- OSS on GitHub -- How to do Open Source Software (OSS) projects on GitHub
- Pokedex -- Pokédex application developed with Flutter
- SorterTool -- Some Sorting Algorithms in Java
- Java Ponies -- Desktop Ponies, in java
- QuoteFinder -- node.js/express app with Docker Containers
- PonyVoter -- node.js/express app with Docker Containers
- Craic chat -- chat app in node.js, text-based UI, Docker Containers
- SQL Insert Statements for Pony Trading Cards Database
- SQL Statements for Creating and Populating Pony Trading Cards Database
- MeanStreets -- Starting point for a text-based game REPL in Clojure.
- RomanAdder -- Simple web app that adds two numbers in Roman Literals. node.js/Docker Container.
- Teams Recording Tools -- Scripts for cleaning transcripts created by Microsoft Teams