is a command line tool for manipulating, summarizing, and sampling from
phylogenetic trees.
subcommand | description |
convert | convert tree format |
tips | list tip labels |
plot | plot the tree |
sample | sub-sample a tree |
factor | integrate and/or infer classes for tips |
tipsed | regex-based search and replace across tip labels |
midpoint | root tree by midpoint |
random | make random tree given list of tip labels |
clean | remove singleton nodes and ladderize |
pip install smot
Python modules:
- biopython
- parsec
- docopt
Python v3.6 and later (required for string interpolation)
You can access usage information from the command line:
$ smot -h
Usage: smot [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Simple Manipulation Of Trees
-v, --version Show the version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
color Color the tips or branches.
factor Impute, annotate with, and/or tabulate factors.
filter An advanced tool for performaing actions (remove, color, sample,...
grep Prune a tree to preserve only the tips with that match a pattern.
sample Subsample the tree using various methods.
stat Display statistics for an input tree
tips Print the tree tip labels.
tipsed Search and replace patterns in tip labels.
Detailed information can then be requested for the specific subcommand:
$ smot grep -h
Usage: smot grep [OPTIONS] PATTERN [TREE]
Prune a tree to preserve only the tips with that match a pattern.
-v, --invert-match Keep all leafs NOT matching the pattern
-P, --perl Interpret the pattern as a regular expression
-f, --file Read patterns from a file instead of a set string
--newick Write output in simple newick format (tip colors and
metadata will be lost)
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Starting from the influenza A virus in pandemic tree, three subsamples can be drawn and colored as follows:
smot grep -v "(swine|human)" pdm.tre |
smot filter --factor-by-capture="(swine|human)" --all-match="swine" --none-match="2021-" --remove |
smot filter --factor-by-capture="(swine|human)" --all-match="swine" --smaller-than 2 --remove |
smot color rm |
smot filter --factor-by-capture="(swine|human)" --all-match="swine" --color="#FFA000" |
smot color leaf -P -p "." "#909090" -p "swine" "#FFA000" -p "swine.*2021-" "#0000FF" > select-swine.tre
smot sample equal select-swine.tre --factor-by-capture="(swine|human)" \
--max-tips=1 --keep="swine" > select-swine-equal-sample.tre
smot sample mono select-swine.tre --scale=4 --factor-by-capture="(swine|human)" \
--min-tips=1 --keep="swine" --seed=42 > select-swine-mono-sample.tre
smot sample para select-swine.tre --scale=4 --factor-by-capture="(swine|human)" \
--min-tips=3 --keep="swine" --seed=42 > select-swine-para-sample.tre
Line 1 filters out all leaves with hosts other than swine or human. Line 2 removes all monophyletic swine clades that have no representative from 2021. Line 3 removes all swine clades represented by a single member. Line 4 removes any coloring in the input tree. Lines 5 colors all remaining swine clades orange (hexadecimal code “#FFA000”). Line 6 colors leaves gray by default, then colors swine orange and finally recent swine blue. Lines 8-9, 10-11, and 14-15 downsamples the human representatives using the equal, mono, and para algorithms, respectively. This script is based on smot v0.14.2, the API may change in the future.
In the above figure, (A) is the unsampled tree with all human (black) and swine (orange) pandemic strains, (B) removes all monophyletic swine branches that have only a single representative, and (C-E) subsample tree B using the equal, mono and para algorithms.
# image B
smot sample equal --factor-by-capture="(human|swine)" --keep="swine" --seed=42 --max-tips=2 pdm.tre > pdm-equal.tre
# image C
smot sample prop --proportion=0.1 --min-tips=2 --factor-by-capture="(human|swine)" --keep="swine" --seed=42 pdm.tre > pdm-prop.tre
# image D
smot sample para --proportion=0.1 --min-tips=2 --factor-by-capture="(human|swine)" --keep="swine" --seed=42 pdm.tre > pdm-para.tre