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Dataset: Longitudinal personal thermal comfort preference datain the wild

DOI Kaggle

This repository contains the longitidinal experiment data named ENTH.

# Participants (Sex) Age range # Responses/participant Duration
17 (10M, 7F) 21 to 27 13 (min), 112(max) 4 weeks

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author = {Quintana, Matias and Abdelrahman, Mahmoud and Frei, Mario and Tartarini, Federico and Miller, Clayton},
title = {Longitudinal Personal Thermal Comfort Preference Data in the Wild},
year = {2021},
isbn = {9781450390972},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3485730.3493693},
abstract = {Thermal comfort affects the well-being, productivity, and overall satisfaction of building occupants. However, due to economical and practical limitations, the number of longitudinal studies that have been conducted is limited, and only a few of these studies have shared their data publicly. Longitudinal datasets collected indoors are a valuable resource to better understand how people perceive their environment. Moreover, they provide a more realistic scenario to those conducted in thermal chambers. Our objective was to share publicly a longitudinal dataset comprising data collected over a 4-week long experiment. A total of 17 participants completed thermal preferences surveys which accounted for a total of approximately 1400 unique responses across indoor and outdoor 17 spaces. For the whole duration of the study, we monitored environmental variables (e.g., temperature and relative humidity) throughout 3 buildings. Participants completed comfort surveys from the screen of their smartwatches using an open-source application named Cozie. Their indoor location was continuously monitored using a custom-designed smartphone application. Location data were used to time and spatially align environmental measurements to thermal preference responses provided by the participants. Background information of participants, such as physical characteristics and personality traits (satisfaction with life scale, highly sensitive person scale, the Big Five personality traits), was collected using an on-boarding survey administered at the beginning of the experiment. The dataset is available at},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems},
pages = {556–559},
numpages = {4},
keywords = {Datasets, Thermal comfort, Longitudinal experiment, Smart buildings},
location = {Coimbra, Portugal},
series = {SenSys '21}

Work using this dataset


To install requirements:

conda env create --file env/environment_macos.yaml



To reproduce the pre-processing done to the raw files, extracted directly from the different sensors, run the following files located in data/raw/ in the following order:

  1. Run to sort the files from data/raw/ into different folders.
  2. Run 02_sensors_data.ipynb to process and format all sensor datasets into new files.
  3. Run 03_main.ipynb to process every user data with the sensor data (this will take quite long, around 20 minutes to an hour).
  4. Run 04_temp_light_humidity.ipynb to add columns for temp, light and humidity without being separated by the type of sensor.
  5. There will be csv files created for each user, e.g. enth01_merged_z.csv and another file for all users enth_all_users_merged.csv and enth_new_cols_z.csv. The final merged file enth_tabular_merged.csv has appropriate column naming conventions.
  6. Run to calculate the scores for each onboarding survey.

The resulting files are then saved in data/processed/


On-boarding surveys

Three different surveys were completed by the study participants upon starting the longitudinal experiments:

  • Highly Sensitive Person Scale (reference)
  • Satisfaction With Life Scale (reference)
  • Big Five Personality Trait (in the form of Ten-Item Personality Inventory survey) (reference)

All three surveys have multiple questions each in a 7-level Likert scale and their score computation was done following their respective references.

The file with the calculated scores is enth_surveys_calc.csv and can be found in data/processed/.

Feature name Type Description/Question
user_id String Unique identifier for each participant
yob Integer Year of birth
sex Categorical Self-reported sex
height Integer Height in cm
weight Float Weight in kg
shoulder_circumference Integer Shoulder circumference, in cm
years_here Integer "How long have you been in Singapore (in years)?"
used_weather Boolean "Can you say that you are used to the weather in Singapore?"
satisfaction_weather Categorical 7-point Likert scale, "Can you say that you are satisfied with the weather in this city (outdoor weather conditions)?"
sweating Categorical From 1 to 5, "Do you suffer from sweating in Singapore?"
enjoy_ourdoor Boolean "Do you enjoy being outdoor in Singapore?"
outdoor_hr_weekday Integer "What is your estimation of your time (hours) spent outdoor (per day) during the weekdays? (for example 2 hrs)"
outdoor_hr_weekend Integer "What is your estimation of your time (hours) spent outdoor (per day) during the weekend? (for example 4 hrs)"
hsps Float Highly Sensitive Person Scale score
swls Intenger Satisfaction With Life Scale score
extraversion Float Extraversion trait score in a 7-point Likert scale
agreeableness Float Agreeableness trait score in a 7-point Likert scale
conscientiousness Float Consientiousness trait score in a 7-point Likert scale
emotional_stability Float Emotional Stability trait score in a 7-point Likert scale
openness_to_experiences Float Openness to New Experiences trait score in a 7-point Likert scale

Environmnental and physiological measurements

Feature name Type Description
space_id Categorical Unique location on campus
building_name String Campus building name
air_vel Categorical Perceived air movement, 9 = "Not Perceived", 11 = "Perceived"
body_presence Boolean Wheter the user was wearing the smartwatch or not
change Categorical Change location, activity or clothing, 11 = "Yes Change", 10 = "No Change"
clothing Categorical Clothing, 8 = "very light", 9 = "Light", 10 = "Medium", 11 = "Heavy"
comfort Categorical Overall comfort, 10 = "Comfy", 9 = "Not Comfy"
heartrate Float Heart rate in bpm
indoor/outdoor Categorical Location, 9 = "Outdoor", 11 = "Indoor"
met Categorical Metabolic rate, 8 = "resting", 9 = "sitting", 10 = "standing", 11 = "exercising"
response_speed Float Time in seconds it took to complete the survey
resting_heartrate Float Resting heart rate in bpm
thermal Categorical Thermal preference, 9 = "Warmer", 10 = "No Change", 11 = "Cooler"
nb_temp Float Near body temperature, at the wrist level, in degree Celsius
skin_temp Float Skin temperature, at the wrist level, in degree Celsius
indoor_floor Integer Building floor provided by the indoor bluetooth beacons
indoor_latitude Float Latitude provided by the indoor bluetooth beacons
indoor_longitude Float Longitude provided by the indoor bluetooth beacons
co2_indoor Float Indoor CO2 measurement by a fixed sensor in ppm
voc_indoor Float Indoor Volatile Organic Compound measurement by a fixed sensor in ppm
pm25_indoor Float Indoor Particulate Matter (PM2.5 - Fine Dust) measurement by a fixed sensor in µg/m3
noise_indoor Float Indoor Ambient noise levels measurement by a fixed sensor in dB
0.3um_count_outdoor Float Outdoor count concentration (particles/100ml) of all particles greater than 0.3 µm diameter
0.5um_count_outdoor Float Outdoor count concentration (particles/100ml) of all particles greater than 0.5 µm diameter
1.0um_count_outdoor Float Outdoor count concentration (particles/100ml) of all particles greater than 1.0 µm diameter
10.0um_count_outdoor Float Outdoor count concentration (particles/100ml) of all particles greater than 10.0 µm diameter
2.5um_count_outdoor Float Outdoor count concentration (particles/100ml) of all particles greater than 2.5 µm diameter
5.0um_count_outdoor Float Outdoor count concentration (particles/100ml) of all particles greater than 5.0 µm diameter
humidity_outdoor Float Outdoor relative humidity by a weather station in %
pm1.0_outdoor Float Outdoor estimated mass concentration PM1(ug/m3) for PM1.0
pm10.0_outdoor Float Outdoor estimated mass concentration PM1(ug/m3) for PM10.0
pm2.5_outdoor Float Outdoor estimated mass concentration PM1(ug/m3) for PM2.5
pressure_outdoor Float Outdoor pressure by a weather station in millibars
temp_outdoor Float Outdoor temperature by a weather station in degree Celsius
user_id String Unique identifier for each participant
temp_indoor Float Indoor temperature by a fixed sensor in degree Celsius
light_indoor Float Indoor light level by a fixed sensor in lux
humidity_indoor Float Indoor relative humidity by a fixed sensor in %


Thermal preference responses distribution

Skin and near-body temperature distribution for participants

Surveys responses


Official repository for Dataset: Longitudinal personal thermal comfort preference data in the wild






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