The first Ballsdex AutoCatcher selfbot that went public in github 😁. written in JavaScript with 💖 by me, powered by discord.js-selfbot-v13 module written by akio-chan-ai for simplifying the prograss of making a discord selfbot.
Video: repository/project is under MIT licence, if you are using it please leave a watermark to me.
Discord prohibits selfbots so if you want to use this project you will use it at your own risk.
I'm not responsible for any ban or ... from discord or your hosting provider.
- A working brain 🧠
- Your account token (Video Tutorial)
- never commit or share your discord token in public, anyone who has it has access to your discord account
- node.js v20 or higher (Click for downloading it)
So, I think now we have all the requirements installed and ready. Lets start our journey with the codes.
First rename config.json.example
to config.json
Open config.json and fill out the values.
"token":"Your Token"
When you are done with the file save it and dont forget to never commit it or sharing it publicly.
Head up to your terminal and run the following commands.
npm install
Now run the following commands in the terminal.
node index.js
Now wait for the text (USERNAME is ready) and then your selfbot is online and catching countryballs automatically.
Dont forget to star ⭐
Read this page for more information
Big thanks to M. logique for giving me ideas
Dont forget to star ⭐ (for 69x time)