This is a solution of random quote generator challenge from Dev Challenges.
Users should be able to:
- See a random quote.
- Generate a new random quote.
- When quote author is selected, see a list of quotes from them.
- See quote genre under the author.
- Live Demo: Demo
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Flexbox
- JavaScript ES6+
- Custom hooks
- React - JS library
- Styled Components - For styles
- React icons - Icon library
- Vite - Bundle tool
- Standard - Linter
- Wouter - Router library
Created customs hooks
and separate them into two different files to improve simplicity and readability.
// ❌ Before
// useQuote.js
const {
} = useQuote()
// ✅ After
// useQuote.js
const [quote, setRandomQuote] = useQuote()
// useQuoteList.js
const [quoteList] = useQuoteList(authorName)
Created getQuoteData.js
service to fetch the data from the API.
const API = ''
export const getRandomQuote = () => {
//...Random Quote fetch
export const getAuthorQuotes = (author) => {
//...Quote list fetched with author's name
Added routes with wouter
to handle navigation between home view and author view.
// App/index.jsx
<Route path='/' component={Home} />
<Route path='/author/:name' component={Author} />
<Route><NotFound /></Route>
Learned how to use route params to render the component depending on the given param
<Link to={`/author/${authorName}`}>
// Author/index.jsx
export const Author = ({ params }) => {
const name =
return <h1>Hello {name}!</h1>
Styled Components docs - The official documentation of styled components, this resource was very useful to understand this package.
React Icons docs - This page is great to find the icon that you're looking for and get the name quickly on the clipboard.
Quotable API - This was the source of data used in this project, this API was great and easy to use.
Wouter usage - This video from
was a great source of knowledge to understand how to usewouter
in a real life project. -
Wouter docs - The best way to understand in depth the usage and implementation of this library.
To test this project by yourself first clone the repository, then you can use this commands:
Install project
npm install
Run local server
npm run dev
Build project
npm run build
Preview Build
npm run preview