- Promises/A+ standards
- Addition commands e.g. race, all
- Simple and fast
composer require carno-php/promise
Creates a promise with initialize executor
$promise = new Promise(static function (Promised $promise) {
if (1) {
} else {
$promise->then(function () {
echo 'promise has been resolved', PHP_EOL;
}, function () {
echo 'promise has been rejected', PHP_EOL;
Creates a defer resolve promise
$promise = Promise::deferred();
$promise->then(function (string $var) {
echo $var, PHP_EOL;
Creates a resolved promise
$promise = Promise::resolved('var');
$promise->then(function (string $var) {
echo $var, PHP_EOL;
Creates a rejected promise
$promise = Promise::rejected(new Exception('Test'));
$promise->catch(function (Throwable $e) {
echo 'failure with ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Returns a single promise that resolves when all of the promises in the argument have resolved or when the argument contains no promises. It rejects with the reason of the first promise that rejects.
$p1 = Promise::deferred();
$p2 = Promise::deferred();
$pa = Promise::all($p1, $p2);
$pa->then(function (array $results) {
echo 'all resovled with results ', var_export($results, true), PHP_EOL;
Returns a promise that resolves or rejects as soon as one of the promises in the argument resolves or rejects, with the value or reason from that promise.
$p1 = Promise::deferred();
$p1->then(function () {
echo 'p1 has been resolved', PHP_EOL;
}, function () {
echo 'p1 has been rejected', PHP_EOL;
$p2 = Promise::deferred();
$p2->then(function () {
echo 'p2 has been resolved', PHP_EOL;
}, function () {
echo 'p2 has been rejected', PHP_EOL;
$pr = Promise::race($p1, $p2);
$pr->then(function (string $var) {
echo 'race result is ', $var, PHP_EOL;
// or $p2->reject();
Check that promise is neither fulfilled and rejected
$promise = Promise::deferred();
echo '#1 promise is pended ? ', $promise->pended() ? 'yes' : 'no', PHP_EOL;
echo '#2 promise is pended ? ', $promise->pended() ? 'yes' : 'no', PHP_EOL;
Check that promise has more chained promises (connected with then
$promise = Promise::deferred();
echo '#1 promise is chained ? ', $promise->chained() ? 'yes' : 'no', PHP_EOL;
$promise->then(function () {
echo '#2 promise is chained ? ', $promise->chained() ? 'yes' : 'no', PHP_EOL;
Make promise synced with other promise (resolves and rejects)
$next = Promise::deferred();
$next->then(function (string $var) {
echo 'NEXT promise been resolved with ', $var, PHP_EOL;
}, function (string $var) {
echo 'NEXT promise been rejected with ', $var, PHP_EOL;
$promise = Promise::deferred()->sync($next);
$promise->then(function (string $var) {
echo 'CURRENT promise been resolved with ', $var, PHP_EOL;
}, function (string $var) {
echo 'CURRENT promise been rejected with ', $var, PHP_EOL;
// or $promise->reject('world');
Set promise to throws exception if rejected with an error, otherwise exception will only as promise's result
Promise::deferred()->fusion()->throw(new Exception('test'));
$promise = Promise::deferred();
$promise->then(function (...$args) {
echo 'promise resolved with args ', var_export($args, true), PHP_EOL;
}, function (...$args) {
echo 'promise rejected with args ', var_export($args, true), PHP_EOL;
$promise->resolve('hello', 'world');
// or $promise->reject('hello', 'world');
Alias of Promise->then(null, onRejects)
Resolves a promise
Promise::deferred()->resolve('var1', 'var2');
Rejects a promise
Promise::deferred()->reject('var1', 'var2');
Alias of Promise->reject(exception)
php benchmark.php
cost 362 ms | op 1.105 μs