A basic example of using webpush notifications with laravel and Javascript. Push Notifications are a part of Service Workers and It requires HTTPS unless you are using localhost.
make sure you have xampp or wamp installed if you are on windows machine, mamp for mac , and lamp for linux.
clone this repository to your local machine or just download the zip.
install Composer first, then run this command in your command-line (you should be inside your project directory).
composer install
rename .env.example to .env and configure your database.
generate application key.
php artisan key:generate
- create tables by migrations.
php artisan migrate
- Generate VAPID Keys (this command will place the VAPID keys in your .env file).
php artisan webpush:vapid
Add the VAPID public key to application server key in enable-push.js file located in public/js directory, here's the link to that line
Start Laravel dev server.
php artisan serve
Read the entire tutorial Push Notifications with Laravel and Webpush on Medium.
Webpush package is used by this app.