HDM (Hierarchy Distributed Matrix) is a light-weight, optimized, functional framework for data processing and analytics on large scale data sets.
HDM is built using Apache Maven. To build HDM from source code, go to the directory of hdm-core and run:
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Then unzip the hdm-engine.zip from the target
folder, after then you can see all the components required for HDM.
Users can start the master node of HDM by execute the shell cmd ./hdm-deamon.sh start master [parameters]?
under the root folder of hdm-core, for example:
cd ./hdm-engine
./hdm-deamon.sh start master -p 8998 -h
The cmd above starts a master listening on port 8998 with host address
Users can start a slave node by executing the shell cmd ./hdm-deamon.sh start slave -p [port of slave] -P [address of the master] -s [number of cores] -mem [amount of JVM memory] -b [port for data transferring]
cd ./hdm-core
./hdm-deamon.sh start slave -p 10001 -P -s 4 -mem 1G -b 9001
Before start to execute a job, users need to submit the dependency for a HDM application by executing the shell cmd: ./hdm-client.sh submit [master url] [application ID] [application version] [dependency file] [author]
./hdm-client.sh submit "akka.tcp://[email protected]:8998/user/smsMaster/ClusterExecutor"
| "defaultApp"
| "0.0.1"
| dwu
| "/home/ubuntu/dev/workspace/hdm/hdm-benchmark/target/hdm-benchmark-0.0.1.jar"
An application may need multiple dependency libs, users can add more dependencies to a HDM applications by execute:
./hdm-client.sh addDep "akka.tcp://[email protected]:8998/user/smsMaster/ClusterResourceLeader"
| "defaultApp"
| "0.0.1"
| dwu
| "/home/ubuntu/lib/hdm-benchmark/lib/jna-4.0.0.jar"
Once all the dependencies have been submitted to the cluster, the HDM application can be executed freely on the cluster without re-submitting the libs until users make changes on the code.
Users can start the HDM console by deploy the hdm-console-0.0.1.war
file of hdm-console to any web servers such as Apache Tomcat or Jetty.
To be able to program using HDM APIs, users just need to add hdm-core into their programming environment:
Add dependency using maven:
HDM provides pure functional programming interfaces for users to write their data-oriented applications. In HDM, functions are the first citizens. Operations are just wrappers of primitive functions in HDM.
The basic functions of HDM are listed as below:
Function | parameters | Description |
NullFunc | N/A | A empty function, which does nothing to the input |
Map | f: T -> R | applies transformation function f to each record in the input to generate the output |
GroupBy | f: T -> K | applies function f to get the key K of each record, group the inputs based on the identical keys. |
FindBy | f: T -> Bool | applies the match function to filter out a subset of the inputs |
reduce | f: (T, T) -> T | apply the reduce function to aggregate the records by folding them pair by pair. |
Sort | f: (T,T) -> Bool | sort the input by applying the comparison function. |
Flatten | N/A | transform a nested collection of input into the non-nested flat collection. |
CoGroup | f1: T1 -> K, f2: T2 -> K | group two input data sets by finding the identical group key based on the two parameter functions. For each input, the records with the same key are organized in a collection. |
JoinBy | f1: T1 -> K, f2: T2 -> K | join two input data sets by finding the identical group key based on the two parameter functions. For each input, the records with the same key are flatten into tuples. |
Apart from basic primitives, HDM also provides more derived functions based on the data type for example, for Key-Value based records, HDM provides derived functions such as reduceByKey
, findByKey
, findValues
and mapKeys
HDM is designed to be interactive with general programs during runtime, it delays the computation until a data collecting action is triggered. HDM contains a few actions that can trigger the execution of HDM applications on either remote or local HDM cluster. Each of the Actions has specific return type for different purposes:
Action | Return Type | Description |
compute | HDMRefs | References of the HDMs which represents the meta-data (location, data type, size) of computed output. |
sample | Iterator | An iterator object which can retrieve the a subset of sampled records from the computed output. |
count | Long | Returns the number of records in the computed output. |
traverse | Iterator | An iterator object which can retrieve all the records one by one from the computed output. |
trace | ExecutionTrace | Returns a collection of execution traces for the last execution of the application. |
For the consideration of performance, after the computation is triggered, the client side program would obtain the results in a asynchronous manner.
For example, an user can print out the results of WordCount
program using the code below:
wordcount.traverse(context = "") onComplete {
case Success(resp) => resp.foreach(println)
case other => // do nothing
To better illustrate how to program in HDM, here are some examples as below:
val wordcount = HDM("/path/data").map(_.split(","))
.flatMap(w => (w, 1))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
val k = 100
val topK = HDM(path).map{w => w.split(",")}
.map{arr => (arr(0).toFloat, arr)}
val input = HDM("hdfs://")
val training = input.map(line => line.split("\\s+"))
.map { arr =>
val vec = Vector(arr.drop(0))
DataPoint(vec, arr(0))
val weights = DenseVector.fill(10){0.1 * Random.nextDouble}
for (i <- 1 to iteration){
val w = weights
val grad = training.map{ p =>
p.x * (1 / (1 + exp(-p.y * (w.dot(p.x)))) - 1) * p.y
}.reduce(_ + _).collect().next()
weights -= grad