A module that extends ng-pluralize directive to support HTML which is a missing feature and a required functionality to some developers based on this open issue on AngularJs repository.
It has exactly the same API functionality, just change ng-pluralize to ng-pluralize-html.
API documentation can be found here.
bower install ng-pluralize-html --save
npm install ng-pluralize-html --save
yarn add ng-pluralize-html --save
Click here to see it in action.
// Declare the dependency module
var sampleApp = angular.module('ngPluralizeHtmlSample', ['ngPluralizeHtml']);
// Use it like ng-pluralize
sampleApp.controller('NgPluralizeHtmlController', ['$scope', function NgPluralizeHtmlController($scope){
$scope.person1 = 'Igor';
$scope.person2 = 'Misko';
$scope.personCount = 1;
<div ng-app="ngPluralizeHtmlSample">
<h1>Using ng-pluralize-html</h1>
<div ng-controller="NgPluralizeHtmlController">
<label>Person 1:<input type="text" ng-model="person1" value="Igor"/></label><br/>
<label>Person 2:<input type="text" ng-model="person2" value="Misko"/></label><br/>
<label>Number of People:<input type="text" ng-model="personCount" value="1"/></label><br/>
<!-- Example with simple pluralization rules for en locale -->
Without Offset:
'0': '<strong>Nobody</strong> is viewing.',
'one': '<strong>1</strong> person is viewing.',
'other': '<strong>{}</strong> people are viewing.'
<!-- Example with offset -->
With Offset(2):
when="{'0': '<strong>Nobody</strong> is viewing.',
'1': '<strong>{{person1}}</strong> is viewing.',
'2': '<strong>{{person1}} and {{person2}}</strong> are viewing.',
'one': '<strong>{{person1}}, {{person2}} and one</strong> other person are viewing.',
'other': '<strong>{{person1}}, {{person2}} and {}</strong> other people are viewing.'