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Vladyslav edited this page May 12, 2023 · 2 revisions

⚡ Before you start
Make sure you have correctly Initialize SDK.

Waterfall Loading Mode

Managing ad availability is not easy. Keeping a balance between maximum ad availability while minimizing waste (network calls - which may affect user experience and data usage - and calls to mediated networks APIs - which may negatively impact eCPM if their inventory never gets to be shown to a user) can turn out to be harder than expected. In fact, often, it is simply guess work as you cannot predict ahead of time when a user will reach a moment in your application or game where it makes sense to show an Interstitial or offer the possibility to watch a Rewarded ad.

When you try to time your ad requests, this often results in not having a fill when you need it or having wasted fills that are never shown.
The CAS SDK provides an “auto-request” feature to address this problem.
By default, CAS SDK starts with auto-request enabled for all managers.

This means two things:

  • When a user finishes watching an ad, CAS immediately tries to replace that ad.
  • When a certain placement has trouble obtaining a fill (no traditional mediated network has available inventory and no programmatic demand is bidding within a predetermined amount of time), CAS continues trying to ensure that placement gets a fill by restarting the entire ad request process. This is performed in exponentially increasing time intervals to optimize the chances of getting a fill while minimizing usage of device resources.

However, you can choose to disable auto-request when you set Manual loading mode.

Mode Load*1 Impact on App performance Memory usage Actual ads*2
FastestRequests Auto Very high High Most relevant
FastRequests Auto High Balance High relevance
Optimal (Default) Auto Balance Balance Balance
HighPerformance Auto Low Low Possible loss
HighestPerformance Auto Very low Low Possible loss
Manual Manual*3 Very low Low Depends on the frequency

^1: Auto control load mediation ads starts immediately after initialization and will prepare displays automatically.

^2: Potential increase in revenue by increasing the frequency of ad requests. At the same time, it greatly affects the performance of the application.

^3: Manual control loading mediation ads requires manual preparation of advertising content for display. Use ad loading methods before trying to show: MediationManager.loadInterstitial(), MediationManager.loadRewarded(), CASBannerView.loadBanner().