This code was forked from nextjs-fullstack-app-template.
To show the components in Storybook, run:
yarn storybook
Run the command:
yarn gen <ComponentName> --path=components/<subdirectory>
For example, if we were to make a new button component, we could run:
yarn gen MyNewButton --path=components/buttons
Don't forget to change the "CHANGE_ME" text in the ComponentName.stories.tsx
file to the section you want it displayed under in Storybook.
Follow this article
Make sure to use the command vi .huskyrc
- the article has the incorrect command vi huskyrc
which will not work.
Additionally, add these lines to make NVM work:
# this loads and sets the correct PATH before running hook
. ~/.nvm/
Just add the --no-verify
flag. For example, skipping the pre-push hooks:
git commit --no-verify -m "commit message"
Or to skip the pre-push hooks:
git push --no-verify
It's important to note that this will skip all the pre-push hooks, not just the husky hooks.