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Please be aware that the demos may exhibit significant accessibility issues, such as problems with keyboard navigation, speech synthesis, and progressive enhancement or degradation.
## <a id="DemoSubject"></a>Carousel
[<img src="images/image1.png" height="230" title="Demo 1">](http://url-to-page)
[<img src="images/image2.png" height="230" title="Demo 2">](http://url-to-page)
[<img src="images/image3.png" height="230" title="Demo 3">](http://url-to-page)
**[⬆ back to top](#quick-links)**
- You Don't Need JavaScript
- Website Demo Using HTML CSS
- Style Guide:
- Quick links
- Accordion / Toggle
- Analog-clock
- Animated Button
- Animated Buttons
- Blog Post Cards
- Bonfire
- Bubble
- Burger Menu
- Button Animation
- Captain America Shield
- Carousel
- Compass Loader
- City animation footer
- Counter of checked check-boxes
- Dog Box Animation
- Dropdown Menu
- Dynamic Image Colorizing
- Enable dark mode
- Fancy Menu
- Flip on click
- Floating label on Textfield
- Floating Labels V2
- Font-Face (Latin)
- Footer
- Gradient Animation
- growing-flower
- growing-flower
- Image Gallery
- infinite-carousel
- Info on hover/ Popover
- Interactive Image Gallery
- Jumping Ball
- Light Bulb Animation
- Loaders
- Mobile menu off canvas
- Modal/Popup
- Mouse tracking
- NavBar
- Neon Button
- Neon Card
- Neumorphism Card Design
- Parallax scrolling
- Pendulum
- Playing Card Animation
- Responsive Counter Showing # of Items That Didn't Fit Screen
- Ripple Effect
- Scary animation
- Scenary
- Shake Button
- Shake Button
- Shuffling squares
- Star Wars Intro
- Switch
- Tables
- Tabs
- Thankyou-Animation
- Todo List
- Tooltips
- Treeview
- Twitter Heart Animation
- Book Animation
- Zoom when hover
- Contributors
- Contributing
- CSS Toggle
- Sliced Button
- DVD Screen Saver
- RotateSquare
## Contributors
Thanks to these wonderful people who have contributed to this project!
<a href="https://github.com/you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-JavaScript/graphs/contributors">
<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-JavaScript" />
## Contributing
We welcome contributions from the community to make this project better. Feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Be sure to follow our [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
For detailed guidelines on how to contribute, please refer to our [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) file.
Let's build something great together!