This is a library of modifiers for three.js objects. A modifier is an function used to modify a 3d object.
It is the typescript version of the actionscript3.0 engine AS3Dmod.
- Bend – bends on object along an axis
- Bloat – Bloats the mesh by forcing vertices out of specified sphere
- Break
- Cloth - displaces object vertices giving the effects of wind and gravity.
- Noise – deforms an object in a random manner
- Pivot - Pivot is a modifier that changes an object's pivot point.
- Skew – skews an object along one or more axes
- Taper - displaces object vertices on two axes in proportion to their position on the third axis.
- Twist – twists the mesh around it’s center point
- Wheel
- UserDefined - the custom modifier
npm install
npm start /*DEVELOPMENT MODE*/
(vist http://localhost:8888/)
npm run build /*PRODUCTION MODE*/
<script src="./js/modifier.js"></script>
var modifier = new ModifierStack(cube);
var bend = new Bend(0, 0, 70);
You can find the documentation here. and
more demo you can see
Thanks Bartek Drozdz for creating this wonderful project.
This library is under the BSD License.