CEF Python 51.0 Beta (Python 2.7 and Linux only)
- Only pygtk_.py and kivy_.py examples were tested and do work fine. Other examples provided with the installer do have issues.
- For PyQt4/PySide examples that do work fine with this release see Issue 234 and this comment
Chrome version: 51.0.2704.103.
Changes in API that break backward compatibility, thus require fixes in existing code:
- Add Browser.NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted() - needs to be called in MOVE/SIZE
window operations. - On Linux it is required to set CEF browser's window bounds during resize events.
Add Browser.SetBounds() to do that. - On Linux the windowRect argument in WindowInfo.SetAsChild() is now required
- On Linux you must call WindowUtils.InstallX11ErrorHandlers() - see description
for details - When using offscreen rendering you must set the ApplicationSettings >
"windowless_rendering_enabled" option to True - New args in LifespanHandler.OnBeforePopup() - targetDisposition
and userGesture - wxpython.py example updated - New arg in RequestHandler.OnResourceRedirect() - request object, updated
the wxpython.py example - Remove 'accept_lang' arg in JavascriptDialogHandler.OnJavascriptDialog()
- Remove LifespanHandler.RunModal()
- Change RequestHandler._OnBeforePluginLoad args
Other changes in API:
- Change ApplicationSettings. Add new: user_data_path,
windowless_rendering_enabled, persist_user_preferences, accept_language_list.
Modify: background_color is now cross-platform (previously it was Mac only).
Remove: release_dcheck_enabled - all examples updated - Change BrowserSettings. Add new: windowless_frame_rate, background_color,
accept_language_list. Remove: user_style_sheet_location,
java_disabled, accelerated_compositing, author_and_user_styles_disabled. - Add Browser.CloseDevTools()
- Remove Browser.ParentWindowWillClose() in upstream (keep dummy for BC)
- Request.GetHeaderMap() will not include the Referer value if any
and SetHeaderMap() will ignore Referer value - Remove the cefpython.Request.Flags values: AllowCookies, ReportLoadTiming,
ReportRawHeaders. - Add Browser.TryCloseBrowser()
- There were many more API changes in upstream, but are not yet implemented
in cefpython. A list of changes since v31..v47 is available in the
top comment in src/cefpython.pyx