This is a development board supporting the ATmega324P microcontroller. It is fully Arduino-compatible and it comes with the following features:
- LSM9DS0 9-axis inertial sensor (accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer)
- MPL3115 baro-altimeter sensor
- Ambient temperature and light sensors
- 128x160 ST7735 color LCD display with SD card reader
- 16x02 character LCD display
- GPIO LEDs and pushbuttons
- JTAG and ISP connectors
- USB programming and data interface
- /Hardware - Eagle design files (.brd, .sch)
- /Images - Board images
- /bin - Binaries (board bootloader)
The board comes pre-loaded with a bootloader. If you need to re-write it, connect an AVR-ISP or JTAG to the corresponding port and burn the bootloader .hex file with atmega324p as a target and the following fuse settings:
Fuse | Value |
HIGH | 0xDA |
LOW | 0xD7 |
EXT | 0XFD |
Install avr-gcc on your machine. There are various tutorials on how to do this. Here are some examples, depending on your OS type:
Copy this code into your favourite code editor and save the file as "hello.c":
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
int main() {
/* Setting PC0 as output */
DDRC |= (1 << PC0);
while(1) {
/* Toggle pin state */
PORTC ^= (1 << PC0);
return 0;
To build and upload, you can use the following Makefile. Edit the port to correspond with your OS and serial port name:
# Linux
PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Windows
# PORT ?= COM1
all: hello.hex
hello.hex: hello.elf
avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex $^ $@
avr-size hello.elf
hello.elf: hello.c
avr-g++ -mmcu=atmega324p -DF_CPU=12000000 -Os -Wall -o $@ $^
upload: hello.hex
avrdude -c urclock -P $(PORT) -b 57600 -p atmega324p -D -xnometadata -U flash:w:$<:a
rm -rf hello.elf hello.hex
From your command line call > make all (generates hello.hex) and then > make upload.
The board can be programmed using Mighty-Core.
Follow the "How to install" guide on their github page and use the following settings when burning the bootloader and uploading a sketch:
Character LCD | GPIO Pin | Arduino Pin | Graphical LCD | GPIO Pin | Arduino Pin | |
RS | PC0 | 16 | CS | PB0 | 0 | |
RW | PC1 | 17 | RST | PB1 | 1 | |
EN | PC2 | 18 | A0 | PB4 | 4 | |
D4 | PC3 | 19 | SDA | PB5 | 5 | |
D5 | PC4 | 20 | SCK | PB7 | 7 | |
D6 | PC5 | 21 | Backlight | PA7 | 31 | |
D7 | PC6 | 22 | ||||
Backlight | PC7 | 23 |
I2C | GPIO Pin | Arduino Pin | Chip | Address | |
I2C Enable | PA6 | 30 | LSM9DS0 | 0x1D (XM) 0x6B (G) | |
SCL | PC0 | 16 | MPL3115A2 | 0x60 | |
SDA | PC1 | 17 |
GPIO Pin | Arduino Pin | |
CS | PA2 | 26 |
MOSI | PB5 | 5 |
MISO | PB6 | 6 |
SCK | PB7 | 7 |
GPIO Pin | Arduino Pin | |
Red | PD5 | 13 |
Green | PD7 | 15 |
Blue | PB3 | 3 |
GPIO Pin | Arduino Pin | |
Temperature Sensor | PA0 | A0 |
Ambient Light Sensor | PA1 | A1 |
Buttons (BTN1 - 6) | PA5 | A5 |
BTN 1 | PB2 | 2 |
BTN 2 | PD6 | 14 |
Speaker | PD4 | 12 |
This product is open source!
Please review the LICENSE file for license information.
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.