- Daniil Volosyuk - PM, Backend dev (Node.js, Express, MongoDB)
- Danil Sahuta - Frontend dev (React, Semantic UI)
- Roman Sukach - Frontend dev (React, Semantic UI)
- Registration and Authorization
- Authentication is based on simple access tokens that will expire after 24h
- Ability to create private groups
- You can join a group by invite code (that can also be updated)
- System of roles within the group. There are 4 possible roles: owner, admin, editor, member
- Ability to create posts. Any member of the group can comment on posts
- There are 2 types of posts: default and quiz
- Quiz has very flexible settings. You can choose from 3 possible types of quiz: multiple vote, single vote and each quiz option is for one person only. Also you can toggle the ability to cancel vote
- Each person gets this role after joining the group
- Can see all posts
- Can comment posts
- Can vote in quizzes
- Has all previous permissions
- Can create posts and quizzes
- Has all previous permissions
- Can promote or demote Members and Editors, but not above the role of Editor
- Can kick Members and Editors from the group
- Can edit group information
- Can update invite code
- Has all previous permissions
- This role is assigned to the person who creates the group
- Can transfer Owner role to another person. After transferring the role he becomes an Admin
- Owner cannot leave the group until he transfer his role to another person
- Owner can delete the group
- Can promote and demote anyone
- Can kick from the group anyone