(complete redo initiated 2023-Jan-06, replaces earlier PhueCmd repo)
WORK IN PROGRESS! Subject to change. Docs may be whacky out of date. It's extremely rare, but sometimes software I write may contain busg. Oops, I mean bugs.
Command line program to do useful and fun things with Philips Hue light bulbs. For now, Linux only. Probably will work on other platforms since it's written in D and doesn't do anything OS specific. A GUI may be added eventually, later.
"PHue" = Philips Hue
From any linux command shell, phuecmd can take one command. This may require one or more additional args. Once executed, phuecmd is done and you are back at your usual shell prompt.
If given no args, phuecmd will go into command mode with a stylish "phuecmd>" prompt. There you may enter any command, or multiple commands separated by a semicolon ; After executing them, you're still in phuecmd mode. Exit this with "quit".
The exact same commands are available in both the command line one-command and in command mode, even the ones that don't make sense.
bash> phuecmd gui run GUI for variety of usages (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!)
bash> phuecmd help
bash> phuecmd <cmd> see list below, all commands good here
bash> phuecmd enter command mode (REPL)
phuecmd> help prints list of all (most?) defined commands
phuecmd> list prints list of known hubs, bulbs
phuecmd> now prints data, time of right now
phuecmd> on turns on all bulbs, whatever colors they were set to
phuecmd> off turns off all bulbs
phuecmd> off B[1] B[44] apply off (or on) to specific named bulbs
phuecmd> find Lamp2 look for a bulb with this name, report its basic info
phuecmd> find Hub1 look for hub with this name, report its basic info
phuecmd> find .17 look for hub with IP address ending with .17, report it
phuecmd> blink hall3 sets bulb "Hall3" blinking until tap any key. SEE NOTE
phuecmd> blink Hub3 if name of a hub, blink all lights it manages
phuecmd> bright sets all bulbs to maximum white. (Turns on any that are off)
phuecmd> dimblue sets all bulbs to dim blue color (similar commands may exist)
phuecmd> set Lamp3 0.1 0.55 0.31 sets bulb [3] to bri-0.1, x=0.55, y=0.31 (dim red)
phuecmd> half sets all bulbs to half as bright, same color
phuecmd> 5000K blackbody white at 5000K. Can do 2000K to 10000K.
phuecmd> random continuously varying random colors.
phuecmd> random1 just once right now, set random colors.
phuecmd> canned -- load hardcoded setup (works only for me!)
phuecmd> load somename -- load setup from somename.sys.toml
phuecmd> save somename -- save system setup and bulb states to toml files
phuecmd> wakeup 8:25 run slow fake sunrise brightening at given time
phuecmd> wait 14 wait for 14 seconds
phuecmd> random1 ; wait 20 ; random1 multiple commands sep'd by ;
phuecmd> quit exit command mode, return to shell prompt
Note on "blink": "hit any key" is ... tricky. For now, blinks five times then leaves bulbs on.
Note on 'find' and other command taking a bulb name or hub name: see section below about bulb names. I hope it is up to date at this time!
If no config file loading command is given, phuecmd will read phuecmd.sys.toml. (Not really - current version may be using hardcoded "canned" config info. Work In Progress!)
There are two (at least) types of config files, all using TOML for now. (Subject to change. I'm eyeing HOCON, maybe.)
somename.sys.toml lists hubs, bulbs, ip addresses to make the system work physically
somename.state.toml list colors and on/off info for each bulb by bulbname.
Each hub "owns" some set of bulbs. It numbers those bulbs however it pleases.
If a bulb is deleted from the hub's internal list, that number won't be used again.
New bulbs are given higher numbers.
For example, right now one of my hubs has bulbs 35 and 36.
Bulbs 1, 2, 3, ... to 34 have over the years been added and deleted during mad scientist
experiments with this system. Note that bulb numbers start with 1 not 0.
Another hub will number its bulbs as it pleases, with no awareness of what bulb numbers are in use by other hubs. Two hubs may each have a bulb #5.
To uniquely specify a bulb then, one must give the hub id and the bulb id as known to that hub. Example: "H2B29"
Separate from that scheme, PhueCmd keeps a list of all bulbs in use. This is an array indexed with 0 to Nbulbs-1. This index has no relation to the hub's numbering. The 'set' command expects a bulb index To
For practical use by Humans, bulbs may be given names like "DiningNW" or "Hidden L 6". (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
Data defining lists of hubs, bulbs, color palettes, color play sequences, etc. may be stored in a configuration file.
Lacking a configuration file, or for testing, a "canned" system may be loaded. This is hardcoded for a given set of hardware. Modify the source if you want it to match your hardware.
See file phue-to-do.txt which may or may not be up to date.