The assignment is found at
The site is deployed at
After the lab, I have a good understanding of the component action reducer flow.
I am a little confused about the asynch functions in Actions and the role of thunk. I am slightly confused on some of the lifecycle functions and when it is neccessary to use them and when it is just a duplicate and unneccesary.
The app checks fields and won't let a user create a new post until all fields are filled in.
The assignment is found at
The site is deployed at
After the lab, I have a good understanding of how tokens and passports work on the frontend as well as how certain components can be restricted by authentication and how users are connected to posts.
I am still a little confused on how to limit editing/deleting to the user who created it (the extra credit). I also don't know the extra credit where you can access the res.status from the backend.
For Lab 6 pt 2, I completed commenting only with authentication