Spring Boot Logger Manager CLI.
In general, it is encouraged to follow the guidelines of the CLI.
foo@bar:~$ sblm-cli -h
This CLI allows to users to list or edit the Spring Boot logger from any online Spring Boot application.
sblm-cli [command]
Available Commands:
edit It edits the logger level of a logger or set of loggers
help Help about any command
list List all loggers from the APP
-a, --app string Application to get information (default "HelloWorld")
-h, --help help for sblm-cli
-p, --pattern string Pattern to be applied (default "$server/$app/actuator/loggers")
-s, --server string Server to get information (default "http://localhost:8080")
-v, --verbose verbose output
Use "sblm-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To list all the available loggers
foo@bar:~$ sblm-cli list --server <YOUR_SERVER> --app <YOUR_APP> --filter <YOUR_FILTER>
This command makes, by default, a GET request to:
For example:
The result is filtered by the group provided.
To edit a group of the available loggers
foo@bar:~$ sblm-cli edit --server <YOUR_SERVER> --app <YOUR_APP> --name <YOUR_LOGGER_GROUP> --level <OFF|ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG|TRACE>
This commands makes, by default, a POST request to:
For example:
Aditionally sends, by POST parameter a JSON like that:
"org.springframework.web.server": {
"configuredLevel": "DEBUG"
- In the logger list, if you need to do some grep with the data returned by the command please use the raw (-r or --raw) option to get a more flat list.
- If you need more debugging information about the internal use of the tool, please use the verbose (-v or --verbose) option.
- If you are working on a local environment probably you won't have any context path. In this case you could change the endpoint format setting the pattern (-p or --pattern) option to something like
Just execute go build
on the root path and get the binary!
Sorry, this software has been done in only one day! No testing, no good architecture, ... maybe in future versions.