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MiniPIX UART Interface: mui.h
Message definitions: llcp_minipix_messages.h
HW diagram of the Linux Dummy<->STM32F4 example<->Gatherer.
"command" | description | parameters | output form |
mui_pwr() |
turns on/off the TPX3 detector | 0/1 | ack |
mui_getStatus() |
gets housekeeping data from MiniPIX | - | a string of text, possibly with numeric values |
mui_measureFrame() |
requests frame acquisition | acquisition time | packetized frame |
mui_updatePixelMask() |
set pixel mask | pixel coordinates, 1/0 | ack |
mui_setThreshold() |
set energy threshold, mostly for debugging | threshold | ack |
mui_setConfigurationPreset() |
switches between pre-loaded configurations | preset ID | ack |
For consideration
"command" | description | parameters | output form |
mui_measureStream() |
request stream acquisition (problematic to implement) | duty cycle | packets of measured event pixels |
mui_stopStream() |
stop stream acquisition (might not be possible to implement) | - | ack |
mui_flushBuffer() |
request flusing of MiniPIX stream buffer | - | ack |
getSinglePxlStream() |
requests image stream of single-pixel events (for VZLU) | acquisition time | packetized stream |