Data communication security is applied between three virtual machines using socket programming and rest-api.
the main goals were achieved but it's still a work in progress
Virtual Machine 1 (VM-01)
- Act as a temperature sensor-1.
temperature_1 = random_int * 5 + 40
. random_int varies from -1 to 1.- Able to communicate with VM-02 using socket programming.
- Able to send sensor state to VM-03 using rest-api.
- Able to receive input from user to trigger VM-02. More explanation will be written in a table down below.
Virtual Machine 2 (VM-02)
- Act as a temperature sensor-2.
temperature_2 = k * ADCval + 5
. The value of k is preset to 5 and ADCval varies from 0-128- Able to communicate with VM-01 using socket programming.
- Able to send sensor state to VM-03 using rest-api.
- Able to receive user input from VM-01, then give response base on the input. More explanation will be written in a table down below.
Virtual Machine 3 (VM-03)
- Act as a server, a rest-api, and a place to host the website.
- Able to receive sensor state from VM-01 and VM-02 using rest-api.
temperature_3 = temperature_1 - temperature_2
.- Able to show temperature values to the website.
Input by User | Input send to VM-02 | Response by VM-02 |
DEC01/dec01 | DEC01 | k = -1 |
DEC02/dec02 | DEC02 | k = -2 |
INC02/inc01 | INC01 | k = +1 |
INC02/inc02 | INC02 | k = +2 |
- Create 3 virtual machines.
- VM-01 & VM-02 able to communicate using socket programming.
- VM-01 & VM-02 able to communicate with VM-03 using API.
- VM-03 able to show VM-01 & VM-02 data to the web.
- Create/use a cool-looking html template.
Title | URL |
A Complete Guide to Socket Programming in Python | DataCamp |
Build a REST API using Flask | Geeks for Geeks |
How to Send and Receive Data in Flask | Software Development for Everyone |