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dstation app is a Cosmos SDK based blockchain service for Dfinance chain. The project is a stripped down dnode which is moved to a newer SDK version v0.42.X.

Refer to Cosmos SDK documentation for base functionality details and usage tips.

The project has a few custom Dfinance modules:

  • x/oracle Module is used to store asset direct and reverse exchange rates (btcusdt for example) and requires an external service as a data source. Dfinance maintains an external service which captures data from the Binance stock.

  • x/staker Module is used to bridge tokens from other chains to the Dfinance chain (the Ethereum chain for example) and requires an external backend alongside deployed smart contracts. Dfinance maintains an external service as well. This is a temporary solution as we're waiting for the Gravity bridge release.

  • x/vm Module provides smart contracts functionality using Libra Move language.


The dstation binary combines server and client functionality. CLI has a help build in for every command it has:

dstation -h

# Transaction commands
dstation tx -h

# Query commands
dstation q -h

To communicate with a specific chain you have to define its parameters:

dstation --chain-id dn-alpha-mainnet-v1-1-0 --node tx wallet1unv2d9vw2f3jdnwqnm5qfl2kkm8tz2zuw2c3xu 1xfi --from user1 -y

To avoid typing in chain-id and node credentials for every request, you can store them into local config (${HOME}/.dstation/config/client.toml):

dstation config chain-id dn-alpha-mainnet-v1-1-0
dstation config node


Each module can emit events on transactions.

x/oracle module

  • New asset added

    Type: oracle.add_asset


    • asset_code - new asset assetCode [string];
  • Price updated for assetCode

    Type: oracle.price


    • asset_code - assetCode [string];
    • price - updated price [int];
    • received_at - price received UNIX timestamp (in seconds) by oracles system [int];

x/vm module

Depending on VM execution status, module emits multiple events per Tx with variadic number of attributes.

  • VM execution status keep received

    • Contract status event ("keep" event)

      Type: vm.contract_status


      • status - keep [string const];
    • VM events (number of events depends on execution status)

      Type: vm.contract_events


      • sender_address - VM event sender address [0x1 for stdlib / Bech32 string for account resource];
      • source - VM event source [script for script source / {moduleAddress}::{moduleName} for module source];
      • type - VM event type string representation in Move format [string];
      • data - HEX string VM event data representation [string];
  • VM execution status keep received (failed with an error)

    1. "keep" event

      Type: vm.contract_status


      • status - keep [string const];
    2. "error" event

      Type: vm.contract_status


      • status - error [string const];
      • major_status - error majorStatus [uint];
      • sub_status - error subStatus [uint];
      • message - error message [string];
  • VM execution status discard received

    Type: vm.contract_status


    • status - discard [string const];
  • VM execution status discard received (failed with an error)

    Type: vm.contract_status


    • status - discard [string const];
    • major_status - error majorStatus [uint];
    • sub_status - error subStatus [uint];
    • message - error message [string];

User Migration v1.0.0


We are happy to announce a new version of the Dfinance node - dstation. This version is based on the Cosmos SDK v0.42.6, and Tendermint v0.34.11, introduces fixes for the critical HDD space usage issue and opens the doors to continue support of the Dfinance blockchain: implementing new features and functionality. The changes are significant therefore validator nodes will be required to migrate to the new version - meaning all validators will need to be re-created and delegators will be required to redelegate.


Step 1 - Navigate to your server with dfinance node and stop it:

cd dfinance-bootstrap
docker-compose down
cd ../

Step 2 - Clone the new version of docker-compose from Github:

git clone dstation-bootstrap
cd dstation-bootstrap
cp .env.mainnet .env
docker-compose pull

Step 3 - Launch node:

docker-compose up -d # Up node in background
docker-compose logs -f # Check logs

Now you can remove dfinance-bootstrap folder and all blockchain data there.

Step 4 - Recreate your validator / delegations.

Create validator:

cd dstation-bootstrap
docker-compose exec node sh # Login into docker container
./dstation tendermint show-validator # Show validator key (copy it)
exit # Exit from contaier

Now install dstation from Github Releases.

For Linux:

mv dstation-v1.0.1-82f51b96214efa654b318484fbb218437cd2f773-linux-amd64 ./dstation
sudo chmod +x ./dstation
mv dstation /usr/local/bin/dstation

For Mac OS (download dstation from Github), and run following commands in terminal:

mv ./dstation-v1.0.1-82f51b96214efa654b318484fbb218437cd2f773-darwin-10.12-amd64 ./dstation
sudo chmod +x ./dstation
mv ./dstation /usr/local/bin/

For Windows:

  1. Download binary from Github.
  2. Go to "Program Files" directory.
  3. Create there "dn" directory.
  4. Rename the downloaded file to "dstation" and put it into "dn" directory.

Now run "cmd" and execute:

setx path "%path%;%ProgramFiles%\dn"

Now restart "cmd".

Configure dstation:

dstation config chain-id dn-alpha-mainnet
dstation config output text
dstation config node
dstation config keyring-backend file

Add your keys to dstation:

dstation keys add <name> --recover # Add with existing mnemonic
dstation keys add <name> --recover --index <index> # Add with existing mnemonic and indexx
dstation keys add <name> --ledger # Add with ledger

# See list of added keys
dstation keys list

# Query your account balance
dstation q bank balances <address> 

Send transaction to create validator:

dstation tx staking create-validator \
   --amount=100000000000000000000000xfi \
   --pubkey=<your pub key> \
   --moniker=<moniker> \
   --commission-rate="0.10" \
   --commission-max-rate="0.20" \
   --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
   --min-self-delegation="1000000000000000000000" \ 
   --from <account>


  • amount - XFI amount to self-stake, at least 1 XFI.
  • pubkey - validator consensus public key received during dstation tendermint show-validator command.
  • moniker - name of your validator.
  • commission-rate - how much your validator is going to take a commission from received rewards/fees, currently 10% by default.
  • commission-max-rate - maximum that validator can take as commission, 20% by default.
  • commission-max-change-rate - how percent per day validator can change commission, currently 1% per day.
  • from - an account that is going to send transaction and will self-stake coins for your validator, also, you can use this account to manage your validator later.

Almost all commands similar to previous dnode, so you can look at our previous docs (will be updated in the near time) and dstation help:

dstation help

dstation-bootstrap/config/.dstation/priv_validator_key.json - private key of validator, backup it and don't miss, as it's the only way to access your validator.



In parallel with the development of the new version we also researched the Cosmos Gravity Bridge. Our main goal is to enable transfers of assets between the Ethereum and Dfinance chains. While preparations for the Gravity Bridge have been implemented, the Gravity Bridge itself is not yet production-ready, therefore for the time being we continue to use our Staking Portal until the stable release of the Gravity Bridge.

The Staking Portal can be used to stake your XFI tokens. The new version also enables the transfer of XFI tokens between accounts within the Dfinance network. Note that only addresses connected through the Staking Portal will remain eligible for rewards. If you unstake your XFI tokens using Staking Portal without withdrawing, your XFI will remain within the Dfinance network and your account would be marked as disabled, however, you will not be eligible to receive any rewards.

XFI Staking

The new version also contains inflation changes. The new inflation model continues to allow to stake XFI and earn rewards while the inflation and block rewards have been updated to float between 20% till 7% per year. The staking goal is 67% of the total XFI which would reduce the inflation reduces to 7% p.a. Lower amounts will increase the inflation amount up to 20% p.a.

Please note that all inflation parameters are not final and might be subject to changes through governance.

LP Staking

LP staking is now disabled within the Dfinance node and will not be available for the time being. LP staking will be later re-enabled using an out-of-blockchain approach.


Lastly, the new version implements the latest version of IBC as well, however remains disabled as IBC is not being production-ready and is currently not yet enabled in the Cosmos network. Once enabled, IBC will allow the transfer of assets between Cosmos-based chains.

User Migration v1.1.0

We released a new version of dstation v1.1.0 that fixed an issue with node synchronization that happened during v1.0.0 usage.

During the update, at 2021-07-19 10:00:00 UTC time the network stopped at block 211948 because of a successful upgrade proposal.

Here is instruction for validators how to update their nodes:

First of all, backup your validator private key:

cd dstation-bootstrap
cp ./config/.dstation/priv_validator_key.json ../v1.0.0_priv_validator_key.json

Check if it copied correctly (don't share content of your private key with anyone!):

cat ../v1.0.0_priv_validator_key.json

Stop your node:

docker-compose down -v

Pull the latest version of bootstrap:

git pull origin master
docker-compose pull
cp .env.mainnet .env

 # If you want to change moniker or open p2p port edit .env content 
nano .env

Remove data folder:

rm -rf ./data

Start your validator:

docker-compose up -d

Install the latest dstation:

mv dstation-v1.1.0-571475329ddacd76e50e3428755db63e87130d79-linux-amd64 ./dstation
chmod +x ./dstation
mv ./dstation /usr/local/bin/

Change chain-id:

dstation config chain-id dn-alpha-mainnet-v1-1-0

Because of migration almost all validators got jailed, so network could be migrated without risks of stuck. You need to unjail your validator, so it's become active.

Send unjail transaction

dstation tx slashing unjail --from <account> # Account you used during validator creation.


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