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Luafy Documentation

Quick Start

Luafy loads scripts with the .lua extension. Luafy requires scripts to be placed at data/<namespace>/lua_scripts. Any .lua script will be loaded.


  • /lua : Root
    • lua list : Prints the Identifiers of every loaded script, plus the number of scripts

    • lua execute <script: String> [<context: NbtCompound>] : Executes the script at script. Optionally, use context to supply NBT 'context' data that can be accessed using ContextApi.

Identifier Format

Luafy script identifiers follow the pattern: <datapack namespace>:<path from 'lua_scripts' folder>


_callback_lua_scripts.json should be placed in the lua_scripts directory, next to the scripts. Ensure it is named exactly like this. See section on Callbacks

Luafy APIs


This API allows commands to be executed. The Commmand Source used is determined using the same logic as /function, using the source used to execute /lua as a base.

Function Purpose Parameters Returns Notes
command.execute Executes the Minecraft command given using the source used to run this Lua Script. - command: string result: number
Integer containg the result of this command.
Success is not returned.


This API interfaces with Data Storage; In vanilla Minecraft this can be queried using /data get storage <storage: identifier>. Data Storages hold an NBT value that is stored persistently in the World files. This makes this useful for storing "global" variables that can be accessed anywhere, as well as data serialization.

Function Purpose Parameters Returns Notes Gets information from a Data Storage (/data storage) and returns the NBT value in Lua. This is the 'explicit' variant, where the type is passed into the function. - storage: string
- address: string
- type: string
data: any
Data read from storage.
Type is explicitly defined by type. See Explicit Data Types.
storage.read_implicit Gets information from a Data Storage (/data storage) and returns the NBT value in Lua. This is the 'implicit' variant, where the type is detected by Luafy. - storage: string
- address: string
data: any
Data read from storage.
Type is implicitly detected.

It is STRONGLY recommended to prefer over this. See Internal NBT/Lua Conversions
storage.write Converts the Lua Value at data to NBT and writes it to the specified Data Storage. storage: string
address: string
data: any
nil Type is implicitly detected.
storage.has Checks if the Data Storage has a value at the address given. - storage: string
- address: string
result: boolean
true if storage at storage has any data at address.
storage.object Creates a convenience LuaObject to access this data storage. - storage: string object: table
StorageLuaObject wrapping around this storage.
See LuaObjects.


This API interacts directly with the Server the script is executed on. This API allows you to get information about entities and players on the server, as well as the source that executed the script.

Function Purpose Parameters Returns Notes
server.get_player_names Gets each players username. None names: table Returns table with array part containing strings of each online players name.
server.get_source_name Gets the name of the source. None name: string Name of the source that executed this script. If the server executed it, this is "Server".
server.get_player_name_from_uuid Convert UUID to username. uuid: string Gets UUID from username. Player must be online.
server.get_source_uuid Convert username to UUID. None uuid: string (nil-able) Gets UUID of the source. Returns nil if source is server.
server.get_online_player_uuids Gets each players UUID None uuids: table Returns table with array part containing strings of each online players UUID.
server.get_source Gets the entity that executed this script. None entity: table (EntityLuaObject) See LuaObjects.
server.get_entity_from_uuid Gets the entity with this uuid. - uuid: string entity: table (EntityLuaObject) See LuaObjects.
server.get_entity Gets the entity matching this condition. - selector: string entity: table (EntityLuaObject) selector is a string containing an Entity Selector that targets a single entity. This is formatted exactly like in commands, for example "@e[limit=1,type=player,sort=nearest]" gets the nearest player to the source. See LuaObjects.
server.get_entities Gets the entities mathcing this condition. - selector: string entities: table selector is a string containing an Entity Selector that can target multiple entities. This is formatted exactly like in commands, for example "@e[type=player,sort=nearest]" gets all players sorted by distance to the source. Returns table with array part containing EntityLuaObjects. See LuaObjects.


This API provides access to calling other Lua Scripts with additional context without the cost of converting to NBT and back to Lua, as well as accessing 'context data' and setting output context.

Function Purpose Parameters Returns Notes
context.get Gets the context supplied to this script execution. None context: table If the context this table receives was obtained from NBT, please see Internal NBT/Lua Conversions.
context.luacall Calls the Lua Script supplied, optionally with the context table supplied. - script: string
- context: table
context.set_outctx Sets the context output by this function, to be returned to the script that called it using context.luacall. - context: table nil


LuaObjects are not actually objects; they're just tables with a fancy hat on. They have a little extra Java code behind them and act as utility objects wrapping around classes in Java code, to help better manage Lua Code in Luafy. A LuaObject that 'extends' another is considered a 'child' and copies all of its parent's functions and can be used as normal. Casting is done via functions. Inheritance is probably more complicated than that, but thats the principle that is used here.


  • Base Java Class for LuaObjects.
  • No Functions.
Function Purpose Parameters Returns Notes
-- -- -- -- --


extends AbstractLuaObject

Function Purpose Parameters Returns Notes
read Read data from storage explicitly. - address: string
- type: string
data: any
Data read from storage. Type is explicitly defined at type.
See Explicit Data Types.
write Write data to storage. - address: string
- data: any
has Check whether data exists. - address: string result: boolean
true if storage has any data at address.


extends AbstractLuaObject

Function Purpose Parameters Returns Notes
get_name Gets the name of the entity. None name: string
get_uuid Gets the UUID of the entity. None uuid: string
get_nbt Gets the NBT of the entity. None nbt: table
get_type Gets the name of the entity type. None type: string
test_predicate Tests a complex predicate condition against the entity. - predicateId: string result: boolean predicateId is an identifier of a predicate file. These are vanilla, and are placed in data/<namespace>/predicates See Predicates - Minecraft Wiki.
is_player Checks if the entity is a player; i.e. it's Java class is an instanceof PlayerEntity. None isPlayer: boolean
is_living Checks if the entity is a player; i.e. it's Java class is an instanceof LivingEntity. None isLiving: boolean
as_living Casts this to a LivingEntityLuaObject. None living: table (LivingEntityLuaObject)
as_player Casts this to a PlayerEntityLuaObject. None player: table (PlayerEntityLuaObject)


extends EntityLuaObject

Function Purpose Parameters Returns Notes
get_mainhand Gets the stack in this entities main hand. None stack: table (ItemStackLuaObject)
get_offhand Gets the stack in this entities off hand. None stack: table (ItemStackLuaObject)
get_head_stack Gets the stack on this entities head. None stack: table (ItemStackLuaObject)
get_chest_stack Gets the stack on this entities chest. None stack: table (ItemStackLuaObject)
get_legs_stack Gets the stack on this entities legs. None stack: table (ItemStackLuaObject)
get_feet_stack Gets the stack on this entities feet. None stack: table (ItemStackLuaObject)


extends LivingEntityLuaObject

Function Purpose Parameters Returns Notes
dump_statistics Gets a table containing the full list of this players game statisitics. This is converted from a JSON Object. None stats: table
get_ender_chest_items Gets each ItemStack (as an ItemStackLuaObject) in the player's enderchest. None stacks: table Returns table with array part containing ItemStackLuaObjects.


extends AbstractLuaObject

Function Purpose Parameters Returns Notes
get_id Gets the Identifier of the item this stack is of. None id: string
get_count Gets the size of this stack. None count: number
get_nbt Gets the NBT of this stack as a table. None nbt: table
set_nbt Sets the NBT of this stack. nbt: table nil See NBT / Lua Conversions.

Script Callbacks

Callback Scripts are Luafy's way of calling scripts on certain game events. These are defined in lua_scripts/_callback_lua_scripts.json in JSON format.

Callbacks File

  • Root:
    • advancements: List of Identifier Script Callbacks - Accepts Wildcard ("*") identifiers to reference any advancement ; Accepts script on player making advancement with identifier specified, using this player as source with elevated permission level
    • load: Script Callback ; Executes scripts on datapack load
    • tick: Script Callback ; Executes scripts every tick

Script Callback

  • Root:
    • scripts: List of Script ID Strings

Identifier Script Callback

  • Root:
    • id: Identifier
    • scripts: List of Script ID Strings


This section aims to simply provide information about certain aspects of Luafy's design and structure; It may be useful, it may not be.

Concepts to Java Location

These may be helpful for pinpointing bugs; they are not accurate to the structure in this repository:

Luafy Concept Java Package (if applicable) Java Class (if applicable)
Lua Script Resource dev.diamond.luafy.resource.LuaScriptResourceLoader
Callbacks File Resource dev.diamond.luafy.resource.CallbackScriptResourceLoader
/lua command dev.diamond.luafy.command.LuaCommand
Lua Script dev.diamond.luafy.lua.LuaScript
Lua Type Converter dev.diamond.luafy.lua.LuaTypeConversions
Luafy APIs dev.diamond.luafy.lua.api
Luafy LuaObjects dev.diamond.luafy.lua.object
Luafy Lua Manager dev.diamond.luafy.lua.LuafyLua

Mod Dependencies and Versions

as of Luafy 0.3.0

Library Author Version
Minecraft Mojang >= 1.20.4
Yarn Mappings FabricMC 1.20.4+build.3
Fabric Loader FabricMC 0.15.10
Fabric API FabricMC 0.97.0+1.20.4
Figura LuaJ LuaJ - Maintained by FiguraMC; Thank You! 3.0.8

NBT / Lua Conversions

For most of the functions within Luafy to operate, various implicit conversions between Lua and NBT must be completed. In some cases, an explicit conversion can be done instead. This table shows implicit conversions between Lua and NBT including any caveats in the conversion.

Type Converts To Notes
Lua Number NBT Double
Lua String NBT String
Lua Table (Map) NBT Compound
Lua Table (Array) NBT List Lua Tables are indexed starting at one, whereas NBT Lists are indexed starting at zero. The index of an object in Lua is decremented by 1 when converted to NBT.
Lua Nil Conversion Fails
Lua Boolean NBT Byte 1b if true, 0b if false
-- -- --
NBT Byte Lua Number NBT Stores Booleans as an NBT Bytes, these will still be converted to Lua Numbers.
NBT Short Lua Number
NBT Integer Lua Number
NBT Long Lua Number
NBT Float Lua Number
NBT Double Lua Number
NBT Compound Lua Table (Map)
NBT List Lua Table (Array) Lua Tables are indexed starting at one, whereas NBT Lists are indexed starting at zero. The index of an object in NBT is incremented by 1 when converted to Lua.
NBT Byte Array LuaTable (Array) Lua Tables are indexed starting at one, whereas NBT Lists are indexed starting at zero. The index of an object in NBT is incremented by 1 when converted to Lua.
NBT Integer Array LuaTable (Array) Lua Tables are indexed starting at one, whereas NBT Lists are indexed starting at zero. The index of an object in NBT is incremented by 1 when converted to Lua.
NBT Long Array LuaTable (Array) Lua Tables are indexed starting at one, whereas NBT Lists are indexed starting at zero. The index of an object in NBT is incremented by 1 when converted to Lua.

Explicit Data Types

In some cases, an Explicit Conversion can take place instead of an implicit one. This ensures you get the type you want, and if the conversion is bad an error is thrown.

Parameter Lua Type Applicable NBT Type(s) Additional Note
"STR" String String
"NUM" Number Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double
"BOOL" Boolean Byte
"OBJ" Table Compound Tables within tables are also deserialized.
"LIST" Table List, Byte Array, Integer Array, Long Array Table with Number indexes.