Delay Calculation ToolKit
This toolkit is currently used to house the files for the TAU 2020 contest.
Please look in INSTALL.txt for installation and testing directions.
src/ contains the source files for the infrastructure. The contestants should not touch these files (but report any bugs found).
src-dut/ is expected to contain the contestants source files or linkable library. Currently, in this directory, is an example call which randomly generates a delay and slew for a "circuit". (Result is obviously wrong.) Look at the routine compute_delays() in src-dut/delay_calculator.cpp and its call in src/delay_calc_tool.cpp to see what the API is expected to look like.
test/ shows how random circuits will be generated, for testing purposes. The source code gen_random_nets.cpp is in src. Contestants can use this code to generate their own testcases.
** Note that this code is still under development and APIs may change, but it shouldn't be too significant at this point. **
SPICE Deck Writer
The spice deck writer is almost functional:
- Connectivity is correct for single input/output cells.
- It does not yet generate voltage waveform for input pin.
- It does not (yet) sensitize the unused inputs.
- It will include pointer to spice library, assuming it is given as an option.
- It will include pointer to spice models, assuming it is given as an optin.
- It does not (yet) generate a ramp stimulus, per circuits.yaml file.
- update SPICE writer to generate ramp stimulus
- add call to spice simulator into delay_calc_tool.
- add sensitizer to SPICE writer, for side input pins.
- add comparator to delay_calc_tool.