An advance yet simple to use AWS S3 plugin for upload and deletion.
Simple S3 uses AWS Native SDKs for iOS and Android
Add dependency in pubspec.yaml
simple_s3: 0.3.2
Feature | Description |
Null Safe | ✅ |
Upload Percentage | ✅ |
Supports all files | SimpleS3 auto detects content type of file by looking into extension |
Set Access Type | Allows you to set access type of file ex. PublicRead, Private etc Default is Public Read |
Timestamp | Turned off by default if turned on allows you to append timestamp in file name. Location of timestamp can be changed to either prefix or suffix Default is prefix |
Custom File Name | Allows to change name of file about to upload. Note : File name must contain extension. |
Custom S3 folder path | Allows to upload file to specific folder in S3 |
Sub Region Support | Allows upload/delete operations on S3 having sub regions |
Delete Object | Allows deletion of file object |
Auto Generates URL | URL pointing to S3 file is auto generated. |
If your Android app is not working in release mode please check this section
// returns url pointing to S3 file
SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <--------------- Selected File
bucketName, <--------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1 <- S3 server region
// returns bool
bool result = await SimpleS3.delete(
filePath, <---------------- S3 File Path
bucketName, <-------------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <------------------ Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1, <----- S3 server region
// delete also supports sub-regions
// returns url pointing to S3 file
SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
//Upload function
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <--------------- Selected File
bucketName, <--------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1 <- S3 server region
child: StreamBuilder<dynamic>(
stream: _simpleS3.getUploadPercentage,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
return new Text( != null ? "Uploaded: ${}" : "Simple S3",
// returns url pointing to S3 file
SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <------------------------------ Selected File
bucketName, <------------------------ Your Bucket Name
poolID, <---------------------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1, <--------------- S3 server region
fileName: "Dennis_ritchie.jpeg", <--- Custom file name
// returns url pointing to S3 file
SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <-------------------------------- Selected File
bucketName, <--------------------------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <------------------------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1, <------------------ S3 server region
s3FolderPath: "users/profile_pics", <--- Custom S3 path
// final path will be "bucketName/users/profile_pics"
// returns url pointing to S3 file
SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <------------------------------------- Selected File
bucketName, <------------------------------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <----------------------------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1, <---------------------- S3 server region
accessControl: S3AccessControl.private, <--- Setting access of uploaded file **private**
// S3AccessControl have more types of AccessControl ex. .publicRead, .publicReadWrite etc...
// returns url pointing to S3 file
SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <------------------------------------- Selected File
bucketName, <------------------------------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <----------------------------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1, <---------------------- S3 server region
useTimeStamp: true, <----------------------- Enable Timestamp
// default location of timestamp is prefix
// if original file name = "Dennis_ritchie.jpeg"
// then the result will be = "1591705658_Dennis_ritchie.jpeg"
// Change Timestamp Location
SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <--------------------------------------- Selected File
bucketName, <--------------------------------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <------------------------------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1, <------------------------ S3 server region
useTimeStamp: true, <------------------------- Enable Timestamp
timeStampLocation: TimestampLocation.suffix,<- Changes timestamp location to suffix
// if original file name = "Dennis_ritchie.jpeg"
// then the result will be = "Dennis_ritchie_1591705658.jpeg"
// returns url pointing to S3 file
SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <------------------------------------- Selected File
bucketName, <------------------------------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <----------------------------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1, <---------------------- S3 server region
subRegion: AWSRegions.apNorthEast1 <-------- Sub region
// for security reasons plugin uses less logs, to enable full logs -
SimpleS3 _simpleS3 = SimpleS3();
String result = await _simpleS3.uploadFile(
file, <--------------- Selected File
bucketName, <--------- Your Bucket Name
poolID, <------------- Your POOL ID
AWSRegions.apSouth1 <- S3 server region
debugLog: true, <----- Enable full logs
// add these lines in your app/build.gradle
minifyEnabled true
useProguard true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'),
buildTypes {
release {
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
minifyEnabled true
useProguard true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'),
Now copy contents of this file Create a new file with name "" at the same location as app/build.gradle and paste the copied contents into this file.
Your release mode APK should work now.