This package provides some basic utilities for helping with simulations of Telecommunication Satellites. The main contribution comes in the form of the ReferenceView
structure defined in the refview_struct.jl
The ReferenceView
structure, together with the associated methods, allow to compute visibility, distance and pointing angles between points in space or on ground. For each of the functions it is possible to specify a reference face to use for computing visibilities. Each object is considered to be a cube, so each of its 6 faces can be selected as a reference.
See the refview_struct.jl
or the docstring for ReferenceView
and the docstrings of other cuntions referenced for some example usage.
Some basic functionality to map between Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and Spectral efficiency for both DVB-S2x and 5G NR air interfaces is provided in the snr2speff.jl
Check the notebook directly or look at the docstring of speff2snr
and the docstring of other functions referenced therein for some example usage.