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Are you bored fighting with SAX and DOM to deal with your XML data ? EaseXML3 combines the best Object Oriented features of Python with XML management. Declare some classes inheriting from the XMLObject type, you don't have to know the internals, you deal with Objects, you get XML. That's all.
EaseXML3 is released under the Python Licence, much known as PSF (standing for Python Standard Foundation Licence). Since EaseXML3 widely uses new-style classes it requires at least Python 2.2.
If you're looking for some kind of persistance system in EaseXML3, you may be desapointed. XMLObjects are basically designed to handle and store data. More complex concepts like circular references - which seem to be vital for persistance management - lack in EaseXML3. There are real Python persistance frameworks like XMLPickle and systems built around YAML.
EaseXML3 is at an early stage development. So it currently doesn't provide support for all XML the features described in the W3C papers. The effort is made on simplifying XML management. Current planned features are:
- xmlns support
- Validation (Schema, DTD, Relax NG?)
- Transitions from/to {Schema,DTD}
EaseXML3 is not the only XML Python wrapper around. Next section deals with the most significant differences between EaseXML3 and the others object-xml mappers.
Well there is quite a bunch of XML tools in Python, especially data bindings. Uche Ogbuji made the State of Python-XML in 2004, a very interesting paper. Here i mention most (in my opinion) used data bindings.
Anobind, ElementTree and gnosis.xml.objectify can bind arbitrary XML data, you don't need to use or define XML grammars (Schema, DTD, Python classes) to make them work. All of them support XPath queries, namespaces, multiple parsers (scalability) and many other things i haven't explored yet. Between the 3, my preference goes to ElementTree. I believe it's the more mature and Pythonic one, it doesn't depends on many things other than Python itself.
generateDS.py is a little different from the three above. You need to supply an XSchema describing the data format you want to handle with generateDS. Then, generateDS generates Python classes acting as bindings to the XML data. Thus classes customization is rather limited.
EaseXML3 takes yet another approach. Though validation support and arbitrary data loading are planned features, i currently prefer definining custom classes describing the data format i want to deal with. It's the simplest way, in my opinion and i admit i'm too lazy to write Schemas or DTDs ;-)
Now let's go deeply in EaseXML3 !
In a wonderful world the developper would have an XML Schema, a DTD describing an XML grammar or even some XML samples. He would then like to store data in XML format conforming to that "specifications". And finally, a program would feed and/or read valid XML data.
Well, the final goal of EaseXML3 is to handle all of that. Though XML grammar support is unfinished, the developper can still define some Python bindings (as new-style classes) describing some implicit XML grammars. Then, dealing with XML data is as simple as using usual Python objects. Import and export routines are transparent to the user. Each XMLObject class instance can be expressed as an XML fragment.
The next sections cover a little, but significant example used to show how to use EaseXML3 when designing an XML-related class hierarchy. We'll try to read some RSS feeds using EaseXML3.
Declaring EaseXML3 classes can be compared to writing a DTD or a Schema. But it's far more readable. Though for now EaseXML3 is less powerfull than DTD and Schema to handle all XML grammar possibilities. Here is how the first XMLObject-derived class looks like:
As you may have guessed, the XML tag associated to that class will be named "rss". It will have one attribute named "version" and a sub-node, handled by another XMLObject called Channel (cf its code, later on). The object also includes a processing instruction referring to an XSL stylesheet. So far so good ? It's a quite simple binding to start on. But following XMLObjects will be a little more complete.
Basically, an XMLObject holds some Nodes (StringAttribute and ItemNode in above example) and a set of facultative options (_name for instance). There are two Node families :
- The attributes (e.g <obj attr="something" />):
- CDATAttribute : string data
- NMTokenAttribute : any string except :_-. characters
- NMTokensAttribute : NMTokenAttribute without space nor tabs nor carriage return characters
- StringAttribute : any string data (just like CDATAttribute but with a more friendly name)
- IntegerAttribute : integer data
- The content (sub-tag) nodes:
- TextNode : storing 'string' data
- RawNode : storing string-with-annoying-characters (<,>,&,...) in a CDATA section (example: <![CDATA[blah < > e]]>)
- ItemNode : referring to another XMLObject
- ListNode : build a list storing XMLObjects of a given type
- ChoiceNode : like ItemNode, but can refer to itself or any other Type of Node
- CommentNode : inserting comments in the XML (<!-- ... -->)
- ProcessingInstructionNode : declare an XML processing instruction (<?name option1="..." ... ?>)
Each Node has a set of options declared as keyword parameters to the Node constructor. Common Node options are:
- main: boolean attribute to indicate wether the Node is the only one content Node (not Attribute !) handled by the XMLObject (False by default)
- default: setting a default value to use when none is explicitely given for that Node (None by default)
- optional: boolean switch indicating if the user can omit to set a value for that Node (False by default)
- title: the name to give to the corresponding XML tag or attribute (defaults to the Python variable name)
- noLimit: ChoiceNode Specific option indicating if the Node can behave as a multi-typed ListNode (see later for a more complete explanation on that option). False by default
Few XMLObject class attributes may be overriden to customize the XMLObject behavior:
- _name : providing a new string to identify the XMLObject instead of the class name. If _name contains some space characters, they are replaced by underscores.
- _entities : a list storing tuple entities (e.g, ('&toBeReplaced;', u'this is very very long data'))
- _encoding : a string representing the XML encoding to use during XML import/export. Its value defaults to 'utf-8'. The _encoding attribute is very important when dealing with accentuated data.
- _unicodeOutput: boolean switch indicating wether the XMLObject should output Python Unicode typed strings or not (defaults to True). This option is important if you're willing to communicate XML data with an external non-Python entity.
- _stripStrings : a boolean value indicating whether EaseXML3 should strip strings during i/o operations. True by default. The _stripStrings can be very usefull with XMLObjects dealing with large bunches of data. When this attribute is set to False, toXml method's speed execution will be very improved because output data won't be beautified (indentations, etc.)
- _prettyPrint : a boolean indicating whether the XML output should be human-readable (tags indented, ..) or not.
- Nodes ordering options (when order cares for XML parsers ?) By
default, EaseXML3 uses the alphabetical order, you can override this
- _attrsOrder: usefull if you want to order an XMLObject
Attributes list, e.g,
_attrsOrder = [ 'opt1', 'attr2']
- _nodesOrder: the same, but for content Nodes.
- _attrsOrder: usefull if you want to order an XMLObject
Attributes list, e.g,
Well, Ok. There's a little bunch of options to customize your XMLObjects, but in most cases you should be happy with the defaults. Below are last two XMLObject declarations, completing the example class-hierarchy (RSS 1<-->1 Channel 1<-->0..n Item)
After declaring your classes you can use them to store and load data.
Since XMLObjects behave as data storage structures, there comes a time where the developer needs to give and/or extract data to/from the XMLObjects he defines in his code, such as for the RSS example below:
The code above is trivial to understand, we create one Rss instance to
the which we link a Channel instance. Then we add two Item data
holders to the channel. Thus we have an RSS feed containing two
items. In the example above we use default values for link
and language
attributes since they are not
explicitely overriden.
ListNode behave just as Python lists, you can explicitely assign them, extending, inserting, iterating (of course :) on them:
Basically XML structures are trees, so it's very common to parse XML trees and perform custom actions on each node of the tree. This kind of thing can easily be done as shown in the example below:
The forEach
method, applied to an XMLObject instance will perform
a given action, symbolized by a callable object (lambda forms,
functions) to which some parameters will be passed. The callback
signature shall be the same as for printNodeName example
One warning though, the developer might care about forEach performances, especially on deep XMLObjects (e.g, with nested ItemNodes, ListNodes and ChoiceNodes). Walking over a deep tree can turn to be painful for your computer's CPU. You've been warned ;-)
Well the final goal of EaseXML3 is to output some XML data. To do so, use the toXml method. If you want to build an XMLObject given its XML representation, use either the fromXml class method or XMLObject.instanceFromXml class method.
The main advantage of using instanceFromXml over fromXml is that you don't need to know the class corresponding to the XML you want to feed in. Though currently (0.2.0), EaseXML3 cannot bind XML data it doesn't know, e.g there must exist an XMLObject class in the namespace either instanceFromXml will fail and raise a ParseError exception.
XMLObject.toXml() method outputs XML data as a byte string (not Unicode typed). Since the XML declare its own encoding, we don't need to care wether the string should be Unicode or not. Here is some XML sample output :
Keyword paramaters can be passed to toXml method:
- headers: boolean switch to tell if you want the <? ?> processing instruction(s) placed on XML data head.
- tabLength: integer indicating the tabulation length (2 by default)
- prettyPrint : boolean value (True by default) overriding _prettyPrint class attribute.
That's it for XML import/export API, it remains as simple as possible. Maybe a more Pythonic behavior : use str(myXMLObjInstance) to get the same result as myXMLObjInstance.toXml(headers=0).
Many Python-XML data binders provide dictionary-like access to the XML bindings (foo[attr]). EaseXML3 can export data it handles as dictionaries, though __getitem__ and __setitem__ behaviors are not directly supported.
ChoiceNode is a little more complicated that other Node types and thus requires a dedicated paragraph.
It's very common that a tag (say body in XHTML) stores many kinds of sub-tags (h1, h2, `pre, a, ...) So you want to store mixed content in XML, ChoiceNode is what you need. Let's consider the following specification:
The BBB class which can store either strings (#PCDATA) either CCC objects zero or many times (*). #PCDATA is a special alternative handled by ChoiceNode. It means that strings without enclosing tag can be inserted in ChoiceNode. The following snippet shows how to use BBB:
Because BBB can store many objects (noLimit=True), it behaves as a list, just like ListNode but it can store more than one XMLObject type. The XML output looks like this:
Sometimes it's interesting to provide recursive structures. For instance a Section can store a title, and a Paragraph or another Section:
But, to avoid left recursion, 'Section' reference cannot be the first in the alternatives list, or a LeftRecursionError will be raised. Using such structures is trivial:
We're done with ChoiceNode. Its usage remains simple when you know how to use it correctly :-)
As mentionned in the beginning of this document, EaseXML3 lacks few nice features, mainly validation support. Second point, EaseXML3 can't bind arbitrary XML data, e.g the developer has to define XMLObjects according to the XML data structures he wants to handle.
Another interesting point is scalability. EaseXML3 has not really been tested with wide data sets. Internally it uses xml.minidom to parse incoming (fromXml) data. This parser (and more generally DOM) store entire data trees on dynamic memory, thus potentially eat lots of memory. Other parsers like PyRXP or expat may be more suitable in these cases and i'm considering bringing support for them in next EaseXML3 versions, though help/patches are always very welcome :-)
Simply doing from EaseXML3 import * won't pollute much your namespace. Though here are exported symbols detailled per module:
From EaseXML3.main:
- XMLObject
- ParseError
From EaseXML3.Node:
- Node
- RequiredNodeError
From EaseXML3.Nodes:
- ItemNode
- ListNode
- TextNode
- ChoiceNode
- RawNode
- CommentNode
- ProcessingInstructionNode
- LeftRecursionError (raised by ChoiceNode)
From EaseXML3.Attributes:
- CDATAttribute
- NMTokenAttribute
- NMTokensAttribute
- StringAttribute
- IntegerAttribute
For a more complete reference about EaseXML3 internals and API, the interested developer shall consult the online API documentation.
I'd like to thank Ian Bicking for :
- his classregistry module coming from SQLObject. This module is used to remember classes given their name.
- the examplesstripper.py script helping to produce code snippets in XHTML, very useful when writting this documentation sheet.
- SQLObject globally which is a good source of inspiration for EaseXML3.
ExoWeb people are active users, debuggers of EaseXML3 and i thank them for the many enhancements and feedback they provide to this software in general.
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