AisStore is an online high-available database capable of archiving multiple terabytes of AIS-data with an insert rate of at least 100.000 messages/minute. Besides the archiving mechanism is features an AIS-data export tool that is limited only by disk-read speed. It also provides simple analytical capabilities based on time, geography and identity. Furthermore queries based on smaller time intervals, limited geographical areas, or single ships can be performed in real-time (less than 1 second).
Build prerequisites: Java 8 + Maven 3
git clone
cd AisStore/
mvn install
You can find the command line interface jar to AisStore in ais-store-cli/target/ais-store-cli-xxxx.jar
The project is organized in the following modules
ais-store-common Common classes for AisStore ais-store-raw Raw-exporter and job implementation that works on raw Cassandra files ais-store-cli Command line interface to AisStore
The command line interface (CLI) requires
- Java 8 Runtime Environment (JRE 1.8)
- A running Cassandra cluster with known IP:port of at least one node.
The AIS Store REST service allows for reads from the AIS Store database.
To query past track information for a given MMSI no. use the following URL:
The query returns matching past track information for a time period spanning from 'now'- to 'now'.
it accepts the following parameters:
- is the MMSI no. to query
- is the amount of time to seek backwards (in ISO-8601 like format.
- (optional) is a free-text expression to filter the allowed sources.
An example is
The returned past track information is in JSON format.
AisStore is currently deployed at the Danish Maritime Authority. Where it currently processes around 60.000 messages per minute.
A quick and easy way to prepare a Cassandra cluster for test and development based on Docker, is to use Al Tobey's cassandra-docker project.
Make sure that you have installed the most recent stable version of Docker on a supported platform. The following examples are based on Docker 1.4.1 running on an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server based on these installation instructions.
To pull the Cassandra docker image, do this:
sudo docker pull tobert/cassandra:2.1.2
To prepare first launch, issue this commands:
cd ~
mkdir cassandra
mkdir cassandra/node.1
Then launch Cassandra like this:
sudo docker run -d -v ~/cassandra/node.1:/data tobert/cassandra:2.1.2
Now we have single-node docker cluster running; with all of its data and configuration stored in ~/cassandra/node.1 on the host machine.
sudo docker ps
gives us the container ID (a hex number) and the container name (a memorable string) of the Docker container running our Cassandra node.
To verify that Cassandra is indeed live and running inside the container, we can use the standard Cassandra 'nodetool' inside the container, like this:
sudo docker exec -it loving_archimedes nodetool status
Which should yield something like this:
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 60.38 KB 256 100.0% 12b5b518-a2b1-4d35-9a93-433af643a1a5 rack1
The UN acronym indicates that this node is Up and in Normal state.
After the first launch of Cassandra performed above, the main Cassandra configuration file is now located in ~/cassandra/node.1/conf - a file called cassandra.yaml.
For the current purposes we want to do absolutely minimal configuration of Cassandra. But, a single configuration parameter needs to be set to that Cassandra will listen to TCP connections coming from outside of the Docker container.
So - open ~/cassandra/node.1/conf/cassandra.yaml for editing - and ensure that listen_address is commented out, and that listen_interface is set to eth0. Like this:
# listen_address:
listen_interface: eth0
Restart Cassandra to make the settings take effect:
$ sudo docker kill loving_archimedes
$ sudo docker run -d -v ~/cassandra/node.1:/data tobert/cassandra:2.1.2
Then ensure that the Address field reported by nodetool has changed into the private IP-range between the Docker container and the host, like this:
$ sudo docker ps
... (take note of container name)
$ sudo docker exec -it backstabbing_feynman nodetool status
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 60.38 KB 256 100.0% 12b5b518-a2b1-4d35-9a93-433af643a1a5 rack1
I.e. Address field changed from into 172.x.x.x.
For AisStore to function, its schema must be imported into Cassandra.
First make the aisdata-schema.cql file visible from the Docker container runing our Cassandra node:
$ cd ~/cassandra/node.1
$ mkdir cql
$ cd cql
$ wget
Then execute this file using cqlsh in the container:
$ sudo docker exec -it loving_archimedes cqlsh
Connected to Docker Cluster at
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 2.1.2 | CQL spec 3.2.0 | Native protocol v3]
Use HELP for help.
cqlsh> source '/data/cqlsh/aisdata-schema.cql';
This may yield a warning about inability to drop a non existing keyspace. This can safely be ignored. If everything else went well, you can inspect the new keyspace in Cassandra like this:
cqlsh> use aisdata;
cqlsh:aisdata> select * from packets_time;
timeblock | timehash | aisdata
(0 rows)
Just one more thing is needed before we can start pumping AIS data into Cassandra using AisStore: The Cassandra ports mapped inside the Docker container must be mapped to local ports on the host machine, so that applications outside the Docker container can reach it.
First kill the Docker container we have been using for the initial setup and schema import:
$ sudo docker ps
$ sudo docker kill loving_archimedes
Then re-launch a similar container, this time with the -P command line option:
$ sudo docker run -P -d -v ~/cassandra/node.1:/data tobert/cassandra:2.1.2
$ sudo docker ps
Now we can see from the ps-output, how the Cassandra ports are mapped to the host machine, e.g.:>22/tcp,>61621/tcp,>7000/tcp,>7199/tcp,>9042/tcp,>9160/tcp
A directory with compressed (zipped) AIS data in NMEA format; possibly with GH-timetags, like this:
... $PGHP,1,2014,12,31,23,59,59,784,219,,2190073,1,31*19 !BSVDM,1,1,,B,13uF31P000Pmw>VPuFwP:jol08S0,0*31 $PGHP,1,2014,12,31,23,59,59,784,219,,2190047,1,2E*6B !BSVDM,1,1,,B,13B3Rf0001PsOdVOleN:h92008S0,0*2E ...
A known set of IP and port number pairs of running Cassandra nodes in the same cluster.
To import the files into Cassandra:
$ java -jar ais-store-cli-0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar import -i ~/path-to-zipped-ais-files -seeds
A quick test to verify that the AIS data are indeed being imported:
$ sudo docker exec -it backstabbing_feynman cqlsh
Connected to Docker Cluster at
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 2.1.2 | CQL spec 3.2.0 | Native protocol v3]
Use HELP for help.
cqlsh> use aisdata;
cqlsh:aisdata> select * from packets_time;
<... lots of data rows being showed ...>