Add swashbuckle support to the project with JsonKnownTypes
To add JsonKnowTypes support in swashbuckle use AddSwaggerGenJsonKnownTypesSupport
extension method
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
It will add discriminator field and will use base class
public record Animal(int Age);
Example Value | Schema in SwaggerUI:
{ "$type": "string", "age": 0 }
Also you can use it with custom discriminator
[JsonDiscriminator(Name = "kind")]
public record Animal(int Age);
Example Value | Schema in SwaggerUI:
{ "kind": "string", "age": 0 }
Authored by: Dmitry Kaznacheev (dmitry-bym)
This project is under MIT license. You can obtain the license copy here.
This work using work of :
- James Newton-King, author of Json.NET.
- Richard Morris, author of Swashbuckle.AspNetCore