Research Code for deepfake & gan classification.
usage: [-h] -p project_name [-rg RUN_GROUP] [--name name] [-e epochs] [-b batch_size] [-opt optimizer] [-lr learning_rate] [-wd weight_decay] [-sch scheduler] [-step scheduler_step_size] [-gamma scheduler_gamma] -i
input_size [-cc crop_size] -am augmentations_mode -at augmentations_type -d dataset -dp dataset_path [-trainp train_path] [-valp validation_path] [-testp test_path] [-proj projector [projector ...]]
[-savem save_model_path] [-saveb save_backbone_path] -dev device [-nw num_workers] [-fp]
Training arguments
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p project_name, --project_name project_name
Project name, utilized for logging purposes in W&B.
-rg RUN_GROUP, --run-group RUN_GROUP
group of runs to put the current run into (e.g. ff)
--name name Experiment name that logs into wandb.
-e epochs, --epochs epochs
Max number of epochs to train for
-b batch_size, --batch_size batch_size
Input batch size for training (default: 32).
-opt optimizer, --optimizer optimizer
optimizer to use during training (default: adam).
-lr learning_rate, --learning_rate learning_rate
Learning rate of the optimizer (default: 1e-3).
-wd weight_decay, --weight_decay weight_decay
Weight decay of the optimizer (default: 1e-5).
-sch scheduler, --scheduler scheduler
Scheduler to use during training (default: steprl).
-step scheduler_step_size, --scheduler_step_size scheduler_step_size
scheduler step size (default: 5)
-gamma scheduler_gamma, --scheduler_gamma scheduler_gamma
scheduler gamma (default: 0.1)
-i input_size, --input_size input_size
input size for models
-cc crop_size, --crop_size crop_size
crop size for models
-am augmentations_mode, --augmentations_mode augmentations_mode
augmentations mode for transforms (gan or df)
-at augmentations_type, --augmentations_type augmentations_type
augmentations type for the dataset
-d dataset, --dataset dataset
dataset name on which to evaluate
-dp dataset_path, --dataset_path dataset_path
root dataset path on which to evaluate
-trainp train_path, --train_path train_path
Training dataset path for csv.
-valp validation_path, --validation_path validation_path
Validation dataset path for csv.
-testp test_path, --test_path test_path
test dataset path for csv.
-proj projector [projector ...], --projector projector [projector ...]
projector architecture
-savem save_model_path, --save_model_path save_model_path
Save directory path for model.
-saveb save_backbone_path, --save_backbone_path save_backbone_path
Save directory path for backbone net.
-dev device, --device device
Device used during training
-nw num_workers, --num-workers num_workers
number of workers to use for dataloading (default: 8)
-fp, --fp16 boolean for using mixed precision.```