In order to build either the CLI or GUI version. Simply open the project file with C++ Builder and build the project.
In theory, any version of C++ Builder that supports C++ 17 (or higher) should work and this shall remain true for years to come. You can download it here:
-Both versions of the program must be in the same directory as the pictures you wish to sort.
-For the CLI version of the program the order of arguments are: Red, Green, Blue, Width, Height, Choice First five values are integers. Sixth value is a character.
-Height starts from bottom and goes to top.
-Width starts from left goes to right.
-Whatever zip files are included are image sets for you to try out the program with.
(This is where the BMP.h originated from, the function "OrganizeAverageColor2" however was introduced for the color sorting project) Source files for C++ reading and writing BMP images.