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arduino-cli for Azure DevOps

Inofficial community implementation of arduino-cli task for Azure DevOps.


Install via Visual Studio MarketPlace.


Example usage for Azure DevOps and detailed description of tasks and arguments.


install: ArduinoCliInstall@1

Installs arduino-cli to agent, when not installed already.

  • version (string): Set specific version, for example 0.18.0 or as latest to install arduino-cli. It isn't recommendet to use latest since arduino-cli has often breaking changes!


- task: ArduinoCliInstall@1
    version: 'latest'

core update-index: ArduinoCliCoreUpdateIndex@1

Updates the index of cores.

  • (Optional) additionalUrls (string): Comma-separated list of additional URLs for the Boards Manager.
  • (Optional) configFile (file path): The custom config file (if not specified the default will be used).
  • (Optional) format (string): The output format, can be {text|json}.
  • (Optional) logFile (file path): Path to the file where logs will be written.
  • (Optional) logFormat (string): The output format for the logs.
  • (Optional) logLevel (string): Messages with this level and above will be logged.
  • (Optional) verbose (boolean): Print the logs on the standard output.
  • (Optional) ArdunioCliToolPath (file path): Path to the arduino-cli if not using arduino-cli install task before this one.


- task: ArduinoCliCoreUpdateIndex@1

core install: ArduinoCliCoreInstall@1

Installs additionals cores.

  • core (string): Name of core. arduino:avr for latest verion, arduino:[email protected] for specific verion.
  • (Optional) runPostInstall (boolean): Force run of post-install scripts (if the CLI is not running interactively).
  • (Optional) skipPostInstall (boolean): Force skip of post-install scripts (if the CLI is running interactively).
  • (Optional) additionalUrls (string): Comma-separated list of additional URLs for the Boards Manager.
  • (Optional) configFile (file path): The custom config file (if not specified the default will be used).
  • (Optional) format (string): The output format, can be {text|json}.
  • (Optional) logFile (file path): Path to the file where logs will be written.
  • (Optional) logFormat (string): The output format for the logs.
  • (Optional) logLevel (string): Messages with this level and above will be logged.
  • (Optional) verbose (boolean): Print the logs on the standard output.
  • (Optional) ArdunioCliToolPath (file path): Path to the arduino-cli if not using arduino-cli install task before this one.


- task: ArduinoCliCoreInstall@1
    core: 'arduino:avr'

lib update-index: ArduinoCliLibdateIndex@1

Updates the libraries index to the latest version.

  • (Optional) additionalUrls (string): Comma-separated list of additional URLs for the Boards Manager.
  • (Optional) configFile (file path): The custom config file (if not specified the default will be used).
  • (Optional) format (string): The output format, can be {text|json}.
  • (Optional) logFile (file path): Path to the file where logs will be written.
  • (Optional) logFormat (string): The output format for the logs.
  • (Optional) logLevel (string): Messages with this level and above will be logged.
  • (Optional) verbose (boolean): Print the logs on the standard output.
  • (Optional) ArdunioCliToolPath (file path): Path to the arduino-cli if not using arduino-cli install task before this one.


- task: ArduinoCliCoreUpdateIndex@1

lib install: ArduinoCliLibInstall@1

Installs additionals cores.

  • installLibBy (string): Specify how to install a library. You can choose by name libName, git url gitUrl or zip path zipPath.
  • lib (string): Name of lib. AudioZero for latest verion, [email protected] for specific verion. Can only be used, when installLibBy is libName.
  • gitUrl (string): Enter git url for libraries hosted on repositories. Can only be used, when installLibBy is gitUrl.
  • zipPath (filePath): Enter a path to zip file. Can only be used, when installLibBy is zipPath.
  • (Optional) additionalUrls (string): Comma-separated list of additional URLs for the Boards Manager.
  • (Optional) configFile (file path): The custom config file (if not specified the default will be used).
  • (Optional) format (string): The output format, can be {text|json}.
  • (Optional) logFile (file path): Path to the file where logs will be written.
  • (Optional) logFormat (string): The output format for the logs.
  • (Optional) logLevel (string): Messages with this level and above will be logged.
  • (Optional) verbose (boolean): Print the logs on the standard output.
  • (Optional) ArdunioCliToolPath (file path): Path to the arduino-cli if not using arduino-cli install task before this one.


- task: ArduinoCliLibInstall@1
    installLibBy: 'libName'
    lib: '[email protected]'

build: ArduinoCliBuild@1

Builds binary from Arduino sketch.

  • fqbn (string): Fully Qualified Board Name, e.g.: arduino:avr:uno.
  • sketchDir (file path): Path to sketch directory. For example: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MySketch, when a sketch is located in $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MySketch/MySketch.ino.
  • (Optional) outputDir (file path): Save build artifacts in this directory. Supported by arduino-cli 0.11.0 and newer.
  • (Optional) buildCachePath (file path): CBuilds of 'core.a' are saved into this path to be cached and reused.
  • (Optional) buildPath (file path): CPath where to save compiled files. If omitted, a directory will be created in the default temporary path of your OS
  • (Optional) buildProperty (string): Override a build property with a custom value. Can be used multiple times for multiple properties.
  • (Optional) clean (boolean): Optional, cleanup the build folder and do not use any cached build.
  • (Optional) exportBinaries (boolean): If set built binaries will be exported to the sketch folder.
  • (Optional) libraries (string): List of custom libraries paths separated by commas.
  • (Optional) onlyCompilationDatabase (boolean): Just produce the compilation database, without actually compiling.
  • (Optional) optimizeForDebug (boolean): Optional, optimize compile output for debugging, rather than for release.
  • (Optional) vidPid (string): When specified, VID/PID specific build properties are used, if board supports them.
  • (Optional) warnings (string): Optional, can be none, default, more and all. Defaults to none. Used to tell gcc which warning level to use (-W flag). (default none).
  • (Optional) additionalUrls (string): Comma-separated list of additional URLs for the Boards Manager.
  • (Optional) configFile (file path): The custom config file (if not specified the default will be used).
  • (Optional) format (string): The output format, can be {text|json}.
  • (Optional) logFile (file path): Path to the file where logs will be written.
  • (Optional) logFormat (string): The output format for the logs.
  • (Optional) logLevel (string): Messages with this level and above will be logged.
  • (Optional) verbose (boolean): Print the logs on the standard output.
  • (Optional) ArdunioCliToolPath (file path): Path to the arduino-cli if not using arduino-cli install task before this one.


- task: ArduinoCliBuild@1
    fqbn: 'arduino:avr:uno'
    sketchDir: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Main'

Example azure-pipelines.yml

Build Status

Basic example script for building Blink example on Azure DevOps for Arduino Uno. See azure-pipelines.yml:

# Sample azure cli to build and publish Arduino Blink example for the Arduino Uno board
  - main
  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

# Install latest version of arduino cli
# Not recommended to use the version 'latest'!!!
# arduino-cli has often breaking changes!
# Check if something is not working anymore!
# So set a specific version! Like: 0.18.0
- task: ArduinoCliInstall@1
    version: 'latest'

# "The first thing to do upon a fresh install is to update the local cache of available platforms and libraries by running"
# see "Getting started"
- task: ArduinoCliCoreUpdateIndex@1

# Install core for 'arduino:avr'
- task: ArduinoCliCoreInstall@1
    core: 'arduino:avr'

# Build Main/Main.ino for fqbn 'arduino:avr:uno'
# Like every arduino project, the sketch file must be in a directory named the same as the sketch... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
# Since arudino cli version 0.10.0 you can't specify a custom path to a sketch file, like 'somedir/someskecht.ino'!
- task: ArduinoCliBuild@1
    fqbn: 'arduino:avr:uno'
    sketchDir: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Main'
    outputDir: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'

# Publish build artifacts
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
    PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
    ArtifactName: 'ArduinoUno-Blink'
    publishLocation: 'Container'
  1. Pipeline triggers on commit on main on `ubuntu-latest``
  2. Installs latest arduino-cli with task ArduinoCliInstall@1
  3. "The first thing to do upon a fresh install is to update the local cache of available platforms and libraries by running" Getting started, so run task ArduinoCliCoreUpdateIndex@1
  4. Install core for arduino:avr in task ArduinoCliCoreInstall@1
  5. Build Main/Main.ino for Arudino Uno with task ArduinoCliBuild@1



  • Add more extensions uris


  • Update license, add privacy and update extensions uris and tags


  • Fix some variables have a value, but they are not required


  • Add more build options to support arduino-cli 0.18.0



  • Added basic version for cli tasks install, core update-index, lib update-index, lib install, build