My First NodeJS app an realtime ChatBox
- Chatbox is realtime with
- Username to enter
- Flood protection
- Command line usage: /help
- RequireJS module
- Chat can customised by an settings array
- Private messaging
- On unreaded privated message(s), the sender in userlist blinks with the amount of unreaded messages
- On unreaded privated message(s) the document title change to total unreaded message (animated)
- Super user mode with telnet
- Send an messag through telnet to an specific chat member
- Kick an specific chat user through telnet
- async
- bootstrap
- express
- jquery
- requirejs
sudo npm install
sudo node chatbox.js
sudo forever start -l forever.log -o out.log -e err.log -a chatbox.js
- When you got problems with ubuntu server because it can't find the node command execute the following line:
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/sbin/node node /usr/bin/nodejs 99
telnet 9102