This repo tracks the Coral Labeler application, which is in development by Dylan Chapell, Khawla Douah, Mai Nguyen, and Calvin Than. The goal of this application is to streamline the labeling of datasets containing images of corals. It provides manual labeling tools as well as a machine learning model to help predict labels.
On MacOS, this process is automated by the ./ script
Our application has the following dependencies:
- Python 3
- PySide6 - Qt (and qt-quick) bindings for python
- numpy - Working with the data structure that holds the labels for each pixel
- Scikit Image - Provides flood fill functionality, as well as image dims
- torch and torchvision - Used to train and run the machine learning model that provides predicted labels
- rdp - Implementation of the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm to reduce the number of points in a line
- pyinstaller - Packages our application into the format to be distributed
- opencv
To install the dependencies in a virtual environment:
Move into the program directory
cd CoralLabeler
Create a virual environment in this directory:
python3 -m venv venv
Activate the venv if it is not already:
source venv/bin/activate
on POSIX -
on Windows
Install the dependencies:
pip install PySide6 scikit-image numpy torch torchvision rdp pyinstaller opencv-python
If you would like to run the application without building it, you can do so now by running python3
- Inspect CoralLabeler.spec to ensure that the build options are set in the way you want. (pyinstaller documentation)
- Specifically, make sure all files you want bundled with the application are listed in datas. If you have added another AI descriptor file besides, it will need to be added here.
- Run
pyinstaller CoralLabeler.spec
The compiled application will now be in the ./dist/CoralLabeler
Compress into a zip file
cd dist
zip -ry
Upload this zip file to a draft Github Release
- Install and open the InstallForge program
- Open build-windows-installforge.ifp
- Adjust the files tab to point to the produced CoralLabeler.exe and _internal folder
- Build the installer
- Upload the produced installer to a draft Github Release
Compress dist/CoralLabeler/CoralLabeler and dist/CoralLabeler/_internal into a zip file
cd dist/
zip -ry CoralLabeler/
Upload this zip file to a draft Github Release