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failedxyz edited this page Dec 10, 2014 · 1 revision

Getting Started

Getting started with the CTF-Platform is a simple and painless process. We have a recommended approach and will also post some F.A.Q. for people who are using other systems or hosts.


Heroku is a free web hosting service that can deploy apps in many languages.

1. Connect with Heroku

  1. Make an account on Heroku
  2. Create a new app on Heroku.
  3. Download the Heroku toolbelt.
  4. Login to the Heroku toolbelt using heroku login and enter your credentials.

2. Clone this repo

  1. Navigate to the folder that you want to place the cloned repo in.
  2. git clone

3. Deploy to Heroku

  1. Navigate into the repo folder.
  2. heroku git:remote --app <name> to add heroku as a remote. Replace <name> with whatever the name of the app you created in Step 1.2 was.
  3. git push heroku master to push this repo to Heroku. Note that it rebuilds the app every time you push.
  4. heroku ps:scale web=1 to start running the web dyno.
  5. heroku open to open your app.

4. Get a Database

  1. On your Heroku dashboard, click your app name, and click Get Addons.
  2. Look for a MongoDB addon, and add it to your app.
  3. Once you get the credentials for the server, replace the part in api/common.js with your real information.
  4. Push your changes to Heroku.

5. Customize

Change every instance of CTF-Platform to whatever the name of your CTF is going to be called.
