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Minimum Viable Product (MVP) List

ebaek edited this page Jul 25, 2019 · 7 revisions

Based on trading platform Robinhood, MerryMoney is a single page application that enables users to follow market trends, construct a portfolio based on real-time data, and engage in market transactions in a simulated market.

1. Hosting on Heroku (7/29/19)

2. User Authentication (7/30/10 - 8/1/19)

  • New account creation: users can sign up, sign in, log out
  • Login: users with valid account credentials can access the website with their saved data (company watchlist, virtual portfolio)
  • Guest/ Demo Login: users can access the feature of the site without credentials

3. Asset/Stock Information (8/2/19 - 8/3/19)

  • Users can access various financial metrics of individual companies both historical and present (options for various timeline constraints)
  • Users can access recent news relevant to the company

4. Dashboard & Portfolio (8/4/19 - 8/5/19)

  • Users can enter and exit positions based on real time market data
  • Users can access their own portfolio trends

5. Watchlist (8/6/19 - 8/7/19)

  • Users can construct a watchlist of companies (follow and unfollow stocks)

6. Asset/Stock Search (8/8/19 - 8/9/19)

  • Users can search for companies through names and tickers
  • Search bar contains 5 most closely related search results as user inputs company

7. Production README (8/10/19)

8. Bonus: Compare Companies (8/10/19 - 8/11/19)

  • Users can compare the stock price and various financial metrics between two companies
  • Line graph displays the stock price with timeline constraints (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, historical)
  • Table compares market cap, employees, P/E ratio and dividend yield