My name is Eric Boysen. I am a lifetime student of Computer Science, but I finished my undergraduate education in Computer Science at UTD between 2019 and 2023 (Go Comets βοΈ)! I find a lot of joy in building new software and applying new skills to learn it. Take a look around my projects: they vary widely. I try to work on everything from low level embedded systems work to front end javascript applications and everything in between.
Check out Nebula Labs on Github as well as at their website. They are an organization that helps build software to help students at UTD and are always looking for help and advice on how to better serve students. I was the President my senior year and am always looking for ways that I can give back to the organization.
It's not perfect, but its mine. Go take a look at My Personal Site.
Right now I'm working on a personal project to teach myself how to build my own site out of webpack without a framework and use Three.js at the same time. Most of the time is spent doing the modeling since I'm terrible with Blender, but the site is coming along slowly but surely. The long term objective is to build a fully functional sandwich building tool called How 2 Sandwich. It's a bit of fun and has been a great educational site.
This is an ongoing site that you will see multiple repositories for. I use this idea as a launching pad for learning new web technologies. It is a fairly straightforward recipe creation and sharing site, but it forces me to learn all of the major concepts in new frontend frameworks when I am getting started, so I have done it for Angular and React and now I'm doing it in Svelte!