A MixML typechecker, written in Standard ML.
MixML [Rossberg and Dreyer 2013] is a language unifying ML modules and mixin modules. It supports separate compilation of mutually-recursive modules while keeping almost all important features of ML modules. In MixML, typechecking is decidable, and thus making it a practical language. While most existing ML module systems with recursive modules (such as Moscow ML and OCaml) suffer from two typing difficulties (one refers to how to identify internal and external views of abstract types, and the other refers to decidability of type equivalence in the presence of equi-recursive types at higher kinds), MixML solves such problems in a satisfactory manner.
To install, you need a Standard ML compiler. MLKit and MLton are supported. You are also required to have cmtool.
I recommend using MLKit (rather than MLton) because MLKit builds faster.
With mlkit
and cmyacc
in your $PATH
, run the following commands:
$ make mlkit
$ ./mixml-mlkit
Alternatively, you can use MLton to build.
With mlton
and cmyacc
in your $PATH
, run the following commands:
$ make mlton
$ ./mixml-mlton
- Few bugs are found.
- Higher-order units have been implemented. (But merging of two unit imports are not implemented yet.)
- First-class units are not implemented yet.
- Elaboration translation (and thus the dynamic semantics) still remains to be implemented.
- Pattern matching:
match exp => {pattern => exp | ...}
- Labeled sums:
LT () : [LT : unit, EQ : unit, GT : unit]
- Units (empty tuples):
of typeunit
- Tuples:
(3, true, ())
of typeint * bool * unit
- Datatypes:
{data t = int}
of signature{data t : int}
- In this case,
are generated as coercions betweent
. - Recursive datatypes:
link X = {type : Type} with new [unit {data t = ext X.t}]
- In this case,
ident ::= upper_ident
| lower_ident
upper_ident ::= ['A'..'Z'] ['A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '0'..'9']*
lower_ident ::= ['a'..'z'] ['A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '0'..'9']*
number ::= ['0'..'9']+
Note that "->"
is right-associative.
kind ::= "Type"
| kind "->" kind
type ::= type_tuple
| "fun" "(" tvar ":" kind ")" "->" type
| type "->" type
type_tuple ::= type_app
| type_app "*" type_tuple
type_app ::= type_atom
| "ext" module_proj
| type_app type_atom
type_atom ::= "(" type ")"
| tvar
| "bool"
| "int"
| "unit"
| "[" sum "]"
sum ::= con ":" type
| con ":" type "," sum
con ::= upper_ident
tvar ::= "'" ident
exp ::= exp_app
| "fun" param+ "->" exp
| con exp_atom ":" type
exp_app ::= exp_atom
| "ext" module_proj
| exp_app exp_atom
| "match" exp "=>" "{" "|"? branch ("|" branch)* "}"
exp_atom ::= "true"
| "false"
| number
| lower_ident
| "(" ")"
| "(" exp_tuple ")"
exp_tuple ::= exp
| exp "," exp_tuple
param ::= "(" pat ":" type ")"
pat ::= pat_atom
| con pat_atom
pat_atom ::= lower_ident
| "_"
| "(" ")"
| "(" pat_tuple ")"
| "true"
| "false"
pat_tuple ::= pat
| pat "," pat_tuple
branch ::= pat "=>" exp
module ::= module_proj
| "new" module_proj
| "link" (modvar "=")? module "with" module
| "link" (modvar "=")? module "seals" module
module_proj ::= module_atom
| module_proj "." label
module_atom ::= "(" module ")"
| modvar
| "{" "}"
| "[" "val" exp "]"
| "[" "val" ":" type "]"
| "[" "type" type "]"
| "[" "type" ":" kind "]"
| "[" "unit" module "]"
| "[" "unit" ":" usig "]"
| "{" dec "}"
dec ::= "module" label "=" module
| "type" label "=" type
| "type" label ":" kind
| "val" label "=" exp
| "val" label ":" type
| "unit" label "=" module
| "unit" label ":" usig
| "data" label ":" type
| "data" label "=" type
usig ::= module_proj "import" "(" path ("," path)* ")"
| module_proj "export" "(" path ("," path)* ")"
path ::= label ("." label)*
modvar ::= upper_ident
| lower_ident
label ::= upper_ident
| lower_ident
Andreas Rossberg and Derek Dreyer. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 35(1), 2013. https://doi.org/10.1145/2450136.2450137