Toy software renderer experiment using only standard headers, raymath.h and X11/Xlib. Updates may be sporadic as I work on this in my free time between other projects. Subject to sudden and dramatic changes as events warrant. Thanks to for the thorough and educational code review.
- Initialize a window
- Set up a camera
- Render and output primitives (cube, sphere)
- Apply transformations to the primitives
- Apply lighting
- Output results to image format (BMP, PPM)
renderr is a toy software renderer written in C99, using the “raymath.h” header from Raylib’s ‘rcore’ module, as well as X11/Xlib to initialize a window. I was originally exploring the possibility of creating windows using direct memory calls but that's a headache, and I want to avoid them for now. The purpose of this project is to experiment with the basics of graphics programming at a low-level, or at least low enough without having to resort to plain memory access, like Mode 13 in DOS. The scope of this project is simple - be able to generate and render primitives within a window using purely vector and matrix mathematics, and then output the resulting images to an image file such as BMP or PPM.
23.03.2024 - Project marked on hold for the foreseeable future.
17.03.2023 - Created line drawing functions via draw header and source files. When main is compiled, lines can now be drawn.
24.02.2023 - Changed window initialization method from GLFW/SDL2 to X11/Xlib. Window fills with blue.