Integrates DetectNet models (eg. generated with DIGITS) with ROS, generating messages with position and confidence of detection.
ROS (tested on kinetic)
Caffe with GPU support
This repository should be cloned to the src
directory of your workspace. Alternatively, the following .rosinstall
entry adds this repository for usage with wstool
- git:
local-name: detectnet
Copy your model deploy.prototxt
and a snapshot of the network's weights as snapshot.caffemodel
to the data folder.
Raw images are received in the image
topic and results are published as sensor_msgs/RegionOfInterest
messages at detectnet
. This will change in the future to a custom message with more information, such as confidence.
For example, the following launch file can be used to map a images from usb_cam to detectnet:
<group ns="vision">
<remap from="image" to="usb_cam/image_raw" />
<node pkg="usb_cam" name="usb_cam" type="usb_cam_node" required="true" />
<node pkg="detectnet" name="detectnet" type="detectnet_node" required="true" />
Written by the ThundeRatz robotics team.
Caffe code is based on ros_caffe, which provides ROS integration with Caffe for image classification.