GamonJS is another Javascript Template Engine
for demo you can check in the demo folder
By default gamon will use dot (.) as the scope glue
//custom scope glue
You can add comments to your templates by wrapping the text in {{# #}}.
{{# this text will not gonna rendered #}}
They can be multi-line too.
If you would like to use a text contains gamon tag for example {{ your text }} inside your template, you can use gamon noparse tag. For example:
{{ noparse }}
{{ this text wont be parsed }}
{{ if array|length > 0 }}
{{ objects }}
{{ /noparse }}
Conditionals in gamon are simple and easy to use. It allows for the standard if, elseif, and else.
All if blocks must be closed with either a {{ /if }} or {{ endif }} tag.
A Conditional can contain any Comparison Operators you would do in JS (==, !=, ===, !==, >, <, <=, >=). You can also use any of the Logical Operators (||, &&, and, or).
{{ if }}
{{ properties }}
{{ endif }}
{{ if variable == "some text" }}
<p>Will render: {{ variable }}</p>
{{ elseif variable == "another text" }}
<p>Will render another text {{ variable }}</p>
{{ else }}
<p>Maybe this is not a text</p>
{{ endif }}
##Variable Tags When dealing with variables, you can: access single variables, access deeply nested variables inside arrays/objects, and loop over an array. You can even loop over nested arrays.
var data = {
"title": "Mr.",
"name": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe"
"childrens": [
"name": "Jhonny",
"age": "25",
"birthday": "1990-05-20"
"name": "Merry",
"age": "20",
"birthday": "1995-02-10"
"asets": ["Cars", "House", "Bike", "Gold"]
Hello {{ title }}
Hello {{ title }} {{ name.first_name }}
Varible Loop is a block tag contain variable name. Each loop variable tag must have its closing tag
//Loop an object
{{ childrens }}
{{ name }}
{{ age }}
{{ birtday }}
{{ /childrens }}
//Loop an array
{{ assets }}
{{ [] }}
{{ /assets }}
var obj = {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe"
var text = '<p>First Name: {{ name.first_name }}, Last Name: {{ name.last_name }}</p>';
var html = gamon.parse(text, obj);
<script type="text/html" id="my-tmpl">
<p>First Name: {{ name.first_name }}, Last Name: {{ name.last_name }}</p>
<div id="container"></div>
var obj = {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe"
var tmpl = document.getElementById("my-tmpl");
var container = document.getElementById("container");
var html = gamon.parse(tmpl, obj);
container.innerHTML = html;
You can load an external template using gamon loadTemplate method
var html = gamon.loadTemplate("path/to/template");
var html = gamon.loadTemplate({
url: "partials/index.html",
onComplete: function(response){
//do parsing here
}, true);
Gamon filter is a function that you can use to filter a variable/array/object in your variable tags and conditional tags separated by pipe (|) char. By default gamon provide filters: safe, index and length only but you can create your own custom filter
- |safe ==> return escaped characters &, <, >, ", '
- |index ==> return array index value, ex: array|index(keys,properties)
- |length ==> return string, array, object length
var obj = {
"hello": "<script>alert('hello');</script>",
"skills": ["HTML", "Javascript", "CSS"];
{{ hello|safe }}
"skills" : ["HTML", "Javascript", "CSS"],
"childrens": [
"name": "John"
"name": "Doe"
{{ skills|index(0) }}
{{ childrens|index(0, "name") }}
// length
{{ skills|length }}
//conditional contain filter
{{ if skills|length > 0 }}
If you need a custom callback that you can use in your filter, you can create your custom filter
//Register Single Filter
gamon.filter.register("join", function(separator, value){
if(!gamon.isArray(value)) throw new Error("Value not an array");
return value.join(separator);
//Register multiple filters
"join":function(separator, value){
if(!gamon.isArray(value)) throw new Error("Value not an array");
return value.join(separator);
"length": function(value){
if(value === "undefined") return;
return Object.keys(value).length;
return value.length;
You can create your filter arguments as many as you want separated by comma(,), but for the last argument should be the filter test value.
gamon.filter.register("sample_filter", function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, value){
//logic here
//template usage
{{ variable|sample_filter("arg1","arg2","arg3","arg4") }}
MIT - Free to use, Free to Edit, Do whatever you want with the code