Closed Aug 14, 2014
100% complete
- Use an internal defineProperty shim to ensure polyfills are non-enumerable where possible (#83)
- Don't reference indexOf or lastIndexOf before polyfilling it (#253, #254)
- The Number#toFixed runtime check should check that it's not correct, rather than checking for a single incorrect value. (#251)
- Remove shim for ES5 splice behavior, that no browsers obey …
- Use an internal defineProperty shim to ensure polyfills are non-enumerable where possible (#83)
- Don't reference indexOf or lastIndexOf before polyfilling it (#253, #254)
- The Number#toFixed runtime check should check that it's not correct, rather than checking for a single incorrect value. (#251)
- Remove shim for ES5 splice behavior, that no browsers obey anyways. (#255)