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@etc1290 etc1290 released this 09 Jan 09:35
· 390 commits to main since this release

Manual Changelog:

## 2022.01.09		version 0.0.91
-- Apply config function setting
-- Add create child window function

### Added
1. Add create child window function
	-- bugged
### Changed
1. Control dev-tool by config Debugmode
	-- finished
2. Remove some wasted codes
	-- finished

## 2022.01.09		version 0.0.9
-- Config function implementation

### Added 
1. Finishe Stemconfig.json environment variable import function 
	-- finished
2. Add Height and Width in to Stemconfig for further window size customization
	-- finished
### Changed
1. Move FileTree.js to static/js and remove src folder for consistency
	-- finished
2. Setting.js and Setting.json are removed because they are no longer needed
	-- finished
3. Change width and height in main.js into enviroment
	-- finished
4. Change the way that get data from JSON file.
	-- finished

## 2022.01.06		version 0.0.81
- Database implementation
- FileTree Function 

### Added 
1. Build a json-based database(Stemconfig.json) to store enviroment variable.
	-- finished
2. Add Testing channel 'test' in Testing function for further developing
	-- finished
3. File Tree Function implement
	-- finished
### Changed
1. Move all data in Setting.js to Stemconfig.json 
	-- finished
2. Change all codes related to old Setting.js to apply new database setting
	-- processing
3. Remove Setting.js
	-- processing

## 2022.01.05		version 0.0.8
- Code re-arrangement
- Bug fix
- Function implementation

### Added 
1. Add nowPath in template/index.js to store current path information for realizing complete file system function
	-- finished
### Changed
1. Move reset fs-path codes in fs-openDir, fs-home, fs-up, fs-button to fsfunc for dry handle
	-- finished

### Fixed
1. Add Button response function to fs-data class
	-- finished
2. fs-openDir is deprecated because the mechanism change in fsfunc
	-- finished

## 2022.01.04		version 0.0.7
- Coding re-arrangement
- Function implementation

### Added
1. Add Home and Up Level button in template/index.html
	-- finished
2. Add Home function in template/index.js
	-- finished
3. Add fs-info in template/index.html for displaying message like error
	-- finished
4. Add Uplevel function in template/index.js
	-- finished
### Changed
1. Move DarkMode in template/index.js from below to above the Initializer for consistent spacing
	-- finished
2. Remove some debug code
	-- finished
### Precessing
1. Add Button response function to fs-data class
	-- bugged
2. Display path when press button
	-- bugged		

## 2022.01.04		version 0.0.6
- Minor bug fix
- Function implementation: Browse down level, File or directory check

### Added
1. Add browse file function but only works in downing level
	-- finished
### Changed
1. Remove default texts of fs-path in template/index.html for smooth coding. Users cannot see it anyway 
	-- finished
2. Remove some debug code
	-- finished
### Fixed
1. Fix Backslash syntaax error forgot to fix
	-- finished

### Processing
1. Add Button response function to fs-data class
	-- bugged
2. Display path when press button
	-- bugged

## 2022.01.03		version 0.0.53
- Text Change

### Added
1. Add default texts for capturing undefined look-up result in FileSystem function
	-- finished
2. Add new side-function fs-path into FileSystem to store and handle all path-related processing
	-- finished
### Processing
1. Add Button response function to fs-data class
	-- bugged
2. Display path when press button
	-- bugged

## 2022.12.30		version 0.0.52
- Function implementation

### Added
1. Add Button response function to fs-data class
	-- bugged
2. Display path when press button
	-- bugged
### Changed
1. Put Directory response under FileSystem 
	-- finished
2. Segment FileSystem main function to simplify the complexity
	-- finished

## 2022.12.29		version 0.0.51
- Design changelog
### Added
1. Add line break between buttons in index.js
	-- finished

## 2022.12.29		version 0.0.5
- Function implementation
- Coding re-arrangement

### Added
1. Add Initializer division in index.js for initialized function and code
	-- finished
2. Merge fs-path function to fs-main function
	-- finished
3. Connect fs-main function to fs-getDir function
	-- finished
### Changed
1. Remove fs-text and placeholder in index.html and index.js because it's no longer need them
	-- finished
2. Storage fs-main and fs-path at fs in index.html for functional dependency
	-- finished
3. Remove fs-path codes because of it's deprecation
	-- finished
4. Change the default texts display of fs-path in index.html
	-- finished

## 2022.12.29		version 0.0.4
- Function implementation

### Added
1. Add file browser Side function
	1.1 Select any directory and parse path to frontend
	-- finished

### Changed
1. Rename func in index.js to fsfunc for more seriously developing view
	-- finished
2. Replace getElementById in index.js with querySelector for flexible and consistent
	-- finished
3. Rewrite showOpenDialog to a synchronous function and remove comflicting
	-- finished

## 2022.12.29		version 0.0.31
- Merge

### Added
1. Add fs-path in html for display current selected folder and debug
	-- finished
### Changed 
1. Remove fs-dir in index.html because it's redundant compare to fs-text
	1.1 fs-text is under fs-main, it's a more organized and efficient arrangement with focused purpose
	-- finished
2. Replace innerHTML with insertAdjacentHTML for faster and juicy(i mean flexible)
	2.1 Each time innerHTML runs it has to serialise all the existing contents of element and then reparse the whole lot
	2.2 insertAdjacent is only parsing each time and then attaching the small document fragment to the Document Object Model
	-- finished

## 2022.12.28		version 0.0.3
- Function implementation

### Added
1. Add FileSystem function 
	1.1 Parse folder content as button element to frontend
	1.2 Auto clear all created information when initialized function
	-- finished
2. Add demarcation in for more cleaner paragraph separation
	-- finished
### Changed
1. Rename dir to fs for consistency and readability
	-- finished

## 2022.12.28		version 0.0.21
- Patch
- Bug Fix 

### Fixed
1. Correct the missing braces deleted by Git Hub
	-- finished

## 2022.12.27		version 0.0.2
- Function implementation

### Added
1. Add new function Dark Mode
	#### Main
		1. Toggle button can switch theme color between dark tone and light tone
		2. Each tone can be edited by modified css
	#### Reset
		1. Reset to system default color >> light
	-- finished
2. Ensure app is completely off
	-- finished
3. Ensure app cannot be executed when it already is
	-- finished

## 2022.12.27		version 0.0.11
- Patch

### Added
1. Add new file to replace as changelog

### Changed
1. is transfered from changelog into summary

What's Changed

Full Changelog: