DBMS project using Java Swing GUI and MYSQL database.
A library management system is a software application that keeps track of the library's records. It comprises information such as the number of books available in the library, the number of books issued, the number of books returned or renewed, and late fine charge records, among other things.
Library Management Systems assists in the maintenance of a database that is used to enter new books and track books borrowed by members, track return requests generated by members as well as their due dates. It also relieves the librarian's manual record-keeping burden.
The actors include the following:
- Admin / Librarian
- User / Student
- Login screen calls two different dashboards for both Admin and Student
- New student registration can be done using Register button
- Admin/librarian can Issue, Return or Add Book
- Admin can view of all issued and available books through respective JTables
- Admin has information of Return Requests made by students
- Student/User can view his/her issued books (book name,book Id, Fine, Due Date)
- Student can make return request as well as cancel the request.
- Student can change his/her Password
Admin Dashboard provides these additional functionalities :
- Displaying all books available to be issued in a Table
- Table has functionality of row selection for Book Id and Student ID on click using JTable row selection listener
- Table has highlighted rows representing return requests generated by recipient.
Student Dashboard provides these additional functionalities :
- Displaying all books issued by the student with informations such as Book Id, Fine, Due Date,etc.
- Table has functionality of row selection for Book Id on click using JTable row selection listener
- Table has highlighted rows representing return requests generated by recipient.
UserID | Password |
admin | null |
For admin Login just type 'admin' as username (Leave password blank)
UserID | Password |
1 | a |
2 | b |
6 | pass2021 |
- Download XAMPP
- Set up MYSQL Database : Student Table and Book Table --> SQL files for both tables are in the 'Database' Folder.
- Import Project on IDE or just open Login_jar.jar (runnable jar) to run application.
Copyright © 2021 Rohit Ranjan