This is a repository containing the design files and user manual for the Powerboard v10.
Developed by a collaboration between Ambimat Electronics and the University of Pennsylvania.
To purchase, please order from this link: Ambimat Electronics Powerboard Purchase Link.
Please reach out to [email protected] in case there is any issue with the website.
: Contains a description of the capabilities of the board.- Relevant to everyone looking to purchase, fabricate, or modify the existing design.
: Folder containing the bill of materials, schematics, PCB layout files for Altium, and manufacturing files (drill data, gerber files, and pick-and-place data).- Relevant if you want to get the board fabricated yourself.
: Folder containing the mechanical drawings.- Relevant if you want to design a mount or any physical support for this powerboard.
│ Powerboard_v10_1_User_Manual.pdf
│ │ BOM.xlsx
│ │ schematics.pdf
│ │
│ ├───layout
│ │ 1. BD.SchDoc
│ │ 2. Input Section.SchDoc
│ │ 3. Buck Boost_19V.SchDoc
│ │ 4. Buck Boost_12V.SchDoc
│ │ 5. Buck_5V1A.SchDoc
│ │ 6. Revision History.SchDoc
│ │ AE170_PDU_02.04.PcbDoc
│ │ AE170_PDU_02.04.PrjPcb
│ │
│ └───manufacturingData
│ │ PickAndPlaceData.csv.csv
│ │
│ ├───DrillData
│ │ AE170_PDU_02.04-RoundHoles.TXT
│ │ AE170_PDU_02.04-SlotHoles.TXT
│ │ AE170_PDU_02.04.DRL
│ │ AE170_PDU_02.04.DRR
│ │
│ └───GerberData
│ AE170_PDU_02.04.apr
│ AE170_PDU_02.04.G1
│ AE170_PDU_02.04.G2
│ AE170_PDU_02.04.GBL
│ AE170_PDU_02.04.GBO
│ AE170_PDU_02.04.GBP
│ AE170_PDU_02.04.GBS
│ AE170_PDU_02.04.GD1
│ AE170_PDU_02.04.GM1
│ AE170_PDU_02.04.GTL
│ AE170_PDU_02.04.GTO
│ AE170_PDU_02.04.GTP
│ AE170_PDU_02.04.GTS