So Long is a 2D game project at 42 where you create a game set in a maze. The player navigates through the maze, collecting objects and avoiding obstacles to reach the exit. This project involves programming in C and using fundamental concepts such as memory management, file I/O, and game logic.
Additional features, such as enemies and a step counter, can be add with bonus to enhance gameplay.
So Long was a fun project that allows me to apply my programming skills and create an interactive 2D game.
For more information, please refer to the subject in the git.
To install So Long, follow the steps below:
- Clone the project from the Git repository:
git clone [email protected]:fZpHr/solong_42.git
cd so_long
- Compile the executable using the
command for the mandatory part:
- If you want to enable additional features such as enemies and a step counter on the screen, use the
make bonus
make bonus
Use the W, A, S, D or arrow keys (up, down, left, right (as enemy in bonus)) to navigate in the game. To quit, press the Esc key.