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  • 应用运行时,每天都在指定目录下,产生一个新的日志文件,日志文件名称随意如:info.log
  • 应用运行时,向当日日志文件追加内容,例如,在2015年02月25日,应用的运行信息,会实时追加到info.log文件中;



  • 实时:日志产生后,应以秒级的延时,收集发送走;
  • 可靠:一旦日志收集程序终止,保证flume重启之后,日志数据不丢失,并且不重复发送;
  • 历史日志文件处理策略:已经收集过的历史日志文件,会标记文件名字到一个白名单中:日志收集目录spoolDir下的.flumespooltail/




组件 版本
Flume NG 1.5.2



  • JDK 1.6+
  • [Apache Maven 3][Apache Maven 3]


  1. 准备好工程的jar包:flume-ng-extends-source-x.x.x.jar
  2. 两种方法,可以在Flume下安装插件:

方法一:标准插件安装 (Recommended Approach),具体步骤:

  • ${FLUME_HOME}找到目录plugins.d,如果没有找到这一目录,则创建目录${FLUME_HOME}/plugins.d
  • ${FLUME_HOME}/plugins.d目录下,创建目录flume-ng-extends-source,并在其下创建liblibext两个子目录;
  • flume-ng-extends-source-x.x.x.jar复制到plugins.d/flume-ng-extends-source/lib目录中;


 |-- plugins.d
		|-- flume-ng-extends-source/lib
			|-- lib
				|-- flume-ng-extends-source-x.x.x.jar
			|-- libext

Flume插件安装的更多细节,参考Flume User Guide

方法二:快速插件安装 (Quick and Dirty Approach),具体步骤:

  • flume-ng-extends-source-x.x.x.jar复制到${FLUME_HOME}/lib目录中;


在flume的配置文件flume-conf.properties中,配置agentSpoolDirectoryTailFileSource source,参考代码如下:

#Name the compents on this a2

a2.sources = spoolDirTailFile a2.sinks = k1 a2.channels = c1 a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.type = com.github.ningg.flume.source.SpoolDirectoryTailFileSource a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.spoolDir =/home/song/workspace/bigdata/firstMavenTest/logs a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.channels = c1 a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.interceptors=i1 a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.interceptors.i1.type=regex_filter a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.interceptors.i1.regex=yazuo a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.deletePolicy =filenames a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.ignorePattern =^$ a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.targetPattern = .(\d){4}-(\d){2}-(\d){2}. a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.targetFilename =info.log a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.trackerDir = .flumespooltail a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.consumeOrder=oldest a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.batchSize =100 a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.inputCharset = UTF-8 a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.decodeErrorPolicy = REPLACE a2.sources.spoolDirTailFile.deserializer = LINE/wrapLine

a2.sinks.k1.type = logger = c1 a2.channels.c1.type =file a2.channels.c1.capacity = 1000 a2.channels.c1.transactionCapacity = 100


详细配置参数如下表(Required properties are in bold.):

Property Name Default Description
type The component type name, needs to be com.github.ningg.flume.source.SpoolDirectoryTailFileSource.
spoolDir The directory from which to read files from.
fileSuffix .COMPLETED Suffix to append to completely ingested files
deletePolicy filenames How to determine completed files: filenames or never or immediate
fileHeader false Whether to add a header storing the absolute path filename.
fileHeaderKey file Header key to use when appending absolute path filename to event header.
basenameHeader false Whether to add a header storing the basename of the file.
basenameHeaderKey basename Header Key to use when appending basename of file to event header.
ignorePattern ^$ Regular expression specifying which files to ignore (skip)
targetPattern .*(\\d){4}-(\\d){2}-(\\d){2}.* Regular expression specifying which files to collect
targetFilename yyyy-MM-dd The Target File's DateFormat, which refers to [java.text.SimpleDateFormat][java.text.SimpleDateFormat]. Infact, there is strong relationship between Property: targetFilename and Property: targetPattern
trackerDir .flumespooltail Directory to store metadata related to processing of files. If this path is not an absolute path, then it is interpreted as relative to the spoolDir.
consumeOrder oldest In which order files in the spooling directory will be consumed oldest, youngest and random. In case of oldest and youngest, the last modified time of the files will be used to compare the files. In case of a tie, the file with smallest laxicographical order will be consumed first. In case of random any file will be picked randomly. When using oldest and youngest the whole directory will be scanned to pick the oldest/youngest file, which might be slow if there are a large number of files, while using random may cause old files to be consumed very late if new files keep coming in the spooling directory.
maxBackoff 4000 The maximum time (in millis) to wait between consecutive attempts to write to the channel(s) if the channel is full. The source will start at a low backoff and increase it exponentially each time the channel throws a ChannelException, upto the value specified by this parameter.
batchSize 100 Granularity at which to batch transfer to the channel
inputCharset UTF-8 Character set used by deserializers that treat the input file as text.
decodeErrorPolicy FAIL What to do when we see a non-decodable character in the input file. FAIL: Throw an exception and fail to parse the file. REPLACE: Replace the unparseable character with the “replacement character” char, typically Unicode U+FFFD. IGNORE: Drop the unparseable character sequence.
deserializer LINE Specify the deserializer used to parse the file into events. Defaults to parsing each line as an event. The class specified must implement EventDeserializer.Builder.
deserializer.* Varies per event deserializer.(设置每个deseralizer的实现类,对应的配置参数)
bufferMaxLines (Obselete) This option is now ignored.
bufferMaxLineLength 5000 (Deprecated) Maximum length of a line in the commit buffer. Use deserializer.maxLineLength instead.
selector.type replicating replicating or multiplexing
selector.* Depends on the selector.type value
interceptors Space-separated list of interceptors



  • 按日期,每日生成一个新日志文件;
  • 只以追加方式写入当日的日志文件;
  • 在source 监听当日的日志文件时,其他进程不会删除当日的日志文件;
  • 不会在同一目录下,生成名称完全相同的文件;



  • 日志一直在追加更新,隔日才启动实时收集程序;
  • 实时收集程序,当日终止,当日重启;
  • 实时收集程序,当日终止,(0-n)次日重启;











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