Number six is a custom IRC bot, developed for student IRC channels at UGent.
Begin by installing the library:
cabal configure
cabal build
cabal install
Them, you can get started by copying Sample.hs
and starting from there.
Configure it, then compile & run using:
`ghc --make Sample.hs`
Handlers are plugins which react to IRC messages. Here, we give a short listing of the available Handlers, together with the commands they provide.
Binary conversions. Commands:
!bin decimal
: Convert a number number to binary notation!unbin binary
: Convert a binary number to decimal notation!hex decimal
: Convert a decimal number to hex notation!unhex
: Convert a hex number to decimal notation
A cool IRC game.
!bomb nick
: Attach a bomb to the specified user. This bomb will kick the user in a certain amount of time (a countdown will be visible).!pass
: Passes the bomb to the user who placed the bomb. This command can only be issued by the current person owning them bomb.!pass nick
: Passes the bomb to the specified user
Ask a question to the wise 8-ball handler. Commands:
!8ball question
: Ask a question
Provides the latest action of a GitHub user. Commands:
!github username
: Prints the latest GitHub action of the given user
Check who the gods are on this server, and manage them. Commands:
: Show the gods on this server!addgod password
: This adds the sender as a god. Obviously, you should run this in a private query.!removegod
: Removes you as a god.!removegod pattern
: Removes all gods which match the given pattern.
Searches the web using Google. Commands:
!google query
,!g query
: Searches google for query and returns the first link found
Prints the title and link to an item on Hacker News. Commands:
!hn number
: Prints the item which is currently on the given position on Hacker News.
Test handler, simply greets a user. Commands:
: Greet the user
Provides information. Commands:
: Print help information
Sends an HTTP GET request to a server and returns the status line, useful if you want to check if a web service is down for everyone or just you. Commands:
!http uri
: Check the given URI
System handler which sets the nickname and the real name of the bot. This handler has no commands.
Lookup a movie on IMDB. Commands:
!imdb title
: Lookup the given movie.
Insult a user. Commands:
!insult user
: Insults the given user.
Have the bot join channels. The bot will automatically join the channels specified in the the configuration file. When the bot is kicked out of a channel, this handler will try to rejoin the channel. Commands:
!join channel
: Join the specified channel
Check what track a user last listened to on Commands:
!lastfm username
: Print the track the given user last listened to.
Authenticates the bot with NickServ. This handler has no commands.
Show the currently playing track on a radio station. Commands:
!nowplaying station
: Print the currently playing track on the given radio station
Supported radio stations:
Give channel operator privileges. Commands:
!op nick
: Given channel operator privileges to the specified user!deop nick
: Take away channel operator privileges from the specified user
Pick a random item from a list. Commands:
!pick item1 item2 item3 ...
,!who ...
: Print a random item from the list.
Replies to IRC ping's. This handler has no commands.
Print a random item from a subreddit. Commands:
!reddit subreddit
: Prints a random item from the given subreddit!reddit subreddit number
: Print the given item from the given subreddit!reddit
: Print a random item from the front page!reddit number
: Print the given item from the front page
Set reminders for yourself. Commands:
!remind some note
: Store a note!remind
: Collect stored notes
Print the menu of today in the Ghent University resto's, see also
: Print today's menu!resto day
can be:morgen
,day after tomorrow
Challenge a user to a game of russian roulette. Commands:
!rr username
: Challenge the specified user
Interface to the epic quote database. Commands:
: Prints a random quote!quote id
: Prints the quote with the given id!quote pattern
: Prints a random quote matching the given pattern!lastquote
: Prints the most recently added quote!addquote quote
: Adds a quote to the database
Make the bot say arbitrary text. God is required. Commands:
!say channel text
: Say the given text in the given channel
Check when a user was last seen in the channel. Commands:
!seen username
: Check when the given user was last seen
Shortens a URL using Commands:
!shorten url
: Shorten the given URL
When the user greets the bot with sup botname
, the bot will respond with
sup username
Send a message to a user who is currently away. Commands:
!tell username message
: Tell the message to the given user when he becomes active.
Set the channel topic. Only gods may give this command:
!topic message
: Set the channel topic
Bindings to the haskell evaluation service of Commands:
> expression
,!haskell expression
: Evaluate the given expression
Bindings to the ruby evaluation service of Commands:
!ruby expression
: Evaluate the given expression
Get either a random tumble from the specified user of his last tumble.
!tumblr last username
: Print the slug and the URL for the last tumble user posted!tumblr username
: Print the slug and the URL from a random tumble made by the user, currently only taking the last 50 into account
Handler to get twitters by id or user. Commands:
!twitter username
: Prints the last tweet of the given user!twitter id
: Prints the tweet with the given id
Lookup an expression on Commands:
!urban term
: Looks up the given term on urban dictionary
When people join the channel, the bot will give them voice (+v
). This can also
be set manually, altough this requires god privileges:
!voice nick
: Give a user voice!devoice nick
,!stfu nick
: Take voice from a user
How is the fucking weather? Commands:
: Prints the weather in Ghent!weather city
: Prints the weather in the given city
Lookup a term on wikipedia. Commands:
!w term, !wik term, !wiki term
: Looks up the given term on wikipedia
Lookup a video on Commands:
!youtube term, !y term
: Looks for videos related to the given term on youtube