Glitch Art Library and command line tool for generating glitch-art effects inspired by CRT monitors.
One-liner install:
pip install BRImage && brimage -h
Note: requires Python3.7 or higher.
BRImage can be used as both a command line interface and python package. The command line tool provides basic access to each algorithm.
brimage -h
Command line:
$ brimage freqmod -h
usage: BRImage freqmod [-h] [--omega OMEGA] [--phase PHASE] [--lowpass LOWPASS] [--pquantize PQUANTIZE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] input_image
Frequency modulation algorithm for images. Implicitly converts to greyscale.
positional arguments:
input_image Input image path; most common formats are accepted.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--omega OMEGA Frequency omega; controls line spacing. Range: 0.0 to 1.0, >1.0 also works, but ugly. (default: 0.3)
--phase PHASE Controls the phase range that is used to map the pixel values into. Higher values distort the image more. Range: 0.0 to 1.0 (default: 0.5)
--lowpass LOWPASS Set the lowpass filter amount. Lower values blur out fine detail more. Set to 0 disables the filter. Preconfigured to 30Hz sample rate. Range: 0.0 to 1.0. (default: 0)
--pquantize PQUANTIZE
Post-quantize number; integer number of colours to quantize image to after frequency modulation. Range: >=0. Value of 0 disables post-quantize (default: 0)
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
Output image path. (default: output.jpg)
Input Image | Output Image |
Command line:
$ brimage randomwalk -h
usage: BRImage randomwalk [-h] [--lines LINES] [--greyscale] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] input_image
Random walk algorithm for images. Most values are still hardcoded in a header file, which requires recompilation. Later release will make this available through python.
positional arguments:
input_image Input image path; most common formats are accepted.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--lines LINES Number of individual line paths to draw. (default: 500)
--greyscale Process image as greyscale. (default: False)
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
Output image path. (default: output.jpg)
Input Image | Output Image |
I've made the project available with pip
(you can view the project here):
pip install BRImage
and run with
- Requires SWIG.
First, clone the repository
git clone && cd BRImage
Generate the SWIG files; for this we require numpy.i
curl "" > BRImage/clib/numpy.i
Then we generate the .py
and .cxx
files with
swig -c++ -python -py3 BRImage/clib/algorithms.i
The next stage can be done in a few different ways:
- Isolated
Build the project with the --target
pip flag, to prevent it from being installed into the environment:
pip install --target build .
alternatively, use the develop mode
pip install -e .
- Install dependencies and build inplace:
Install the required modules with
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then to only build the external C++ modules, use
python build_ext --inplace
Run with
python BRImage
- 0.2.2: Fixed segfault related bugs; cleaned code and implemented random walk for video feeds.
- 0.2.1: Finished the video input feeds, and implementation for the frequency modulation part of video glitches. No CLI options for this available yet.
- 0.2.0: Major refactor, favouring Feed derived classes as abstraction for image input.
- 0.1.11: Staged some video I/O wrappers.
- 0.1.10: Introduced
contrasting parameter in frequency modulation. - 0.1.9: Updated CLI for all algorithms.
- 0.1.8: RGB support added for random walk.
- 0.1.7: Added random walk algorithm (greyscale only).
- 0.1.6: Changed home-baked to SWIG wrapper.
- 0.1.5: Home-baked C++ backend for the frequency modulation algorithm.
Uses ffmeg for Video I/O, pillow for Image I/O, numpy as the workhorse and black for formatting.
- phase damping option on frequency modulation
- seed points for random walk