Eve Online Killboard Analyzer - v0.2 ALPHA
kbintel (killboard intel) is a kill analysis tool primarily suited for reconnaissance and information gathering of hostile forces. In it's current alpha version, it is limited to crawling corp/alliance hosted killboards using the EDK Killboard software. Kbintel is scheduled for a rewrite, which will use the zkillboard api instead; improving data collection speed significantly. The current version spoofs a user browser and scrapes raw HTML at a rate of 1 page per 2 seconds (configurable). This default rate has been set to avoid tripping anti-bot measures, but may result in long collection times if crawling a very large organization.
kbintel outputs a report of the current month's kills with a daily breakdown of the following information:
Monday, May 5th
Total Kills: 20
Location Breakdown:
Providence, 9-F0B2 (0.0) - 8
The Bleak Lands, Huola (0.4) - 7
Derelik, Sendaya (0.3) - 3
The Bleak Lands, Kourmonen (0.4) - 1
Derelik, Futzchag (0.2) - 1
00:00 - 2
01:00 - 8
02:00 - 9
20:00 - 1
Ships Destroyed:
Harpy - 3
Vexor - 3
Arbitrator - 2
Capsule - 2
Cynabal - 1
Sabre - 1
Thrasher - 1
Armageddon Navy Issue - 1
Exequror - 1
Blackbird - 1
Caracal - 1
Abaddon - 1
Rupture - 1
Thorax - 1
The date and total kills are self-explanitory. The location breakdown is ordered by highest numbers of kills first, and the timeline shows hourly kills, with gaps to illustrate no-kill hours. And finally, the ships destroyed tally just that.
To generate a monthly report, simply enter the URL of the killboard's main page from the command line:
kbintel.py -u URL